baby, im not over you yet, and i'll never be

jungkook was currently sitting in a cafe accompanied by two women. he wasnt feeling excited, nor was he eagerly engaged in a conversation with them.

you see, he had just been conned by his ex.

sitting to his right is park chaeyoung, his ex girlfriend. sitting right across chaeyoung is shin naeun, a short and awfully pale lady in her late twenties with long brown hair and cakey makeup.

jungkook leaned towards chaeyoung, whispering through his gritted teeth, " you said you were gonna introduce me to a hot date. who is this ahjumma?"

chaeyoung muttered, " if i told you to be my pretend boyfie for this blasted meeting, would you even agree to it?"

jungkook answered, " please elaborate."

" this bitch here is my high school classmate. i dont know whats her problem but she loves comparing herself with me. now shes getting married. i cant embarrass myself here for being single. you're the only decent male i thought of."

jungkook protested silently, " i cant waste my time here."

chaeyoung pinched his thigh below the table, causing jungkook to bite his fist to keep him from crying out loud in pain, " i'll get you brekkie for a whole month. deal?"

jungkook mumbled, " i want my brekkie prepared by you."

chaeyoung shut her eyes, trying hard not to rip his balls off right now. " deal."

naeun eyed the couple as she cleared her throat, showing a fake smile to chaeyoung, " long time no see, chaeyoung."

chaeyoung forced a smile, " hello, naeun."

naeun took a sip from her teacup before frowning slightly, " looks like you got... jeon jungkook... from high school as your beau..." she spoke bitterly.

chaeyoung batted her eyelashes before clinging onto jungkook's arm and replied sassily, " oh, you know, ive always had that charm to get whatever man i want." she puckered her lips at jungkook, attempting to kiss him.

seeing this made jungkook vomit inside his mouth a little, glancing at chaeyoung with mock disgust and tiredness from drama as he rolled his eyes.

naeun scowled a little before continuing, " you two seem close."

chaeyoung answered again proudly, " but of course! kookie baby here cant live without me!"

jungkook vomitted inside his mouth again.

naeun sighed dramatically before stirring her tea, muttering, " my good-for-nothing stone being of a boyfie at home is so unromantic. he only knows how to spend money." she shoved her louis vuitton purse onto the table, blinking her eyes innocently at chaeyoung.

chaeyoung narrowed her eyes. she just wanted to show off her wealth.

she sighed as she placed the keys to her rolls royce on the table, contemplating, " all men are the same, my dear naeun. this little baby here got me my fourth car already! though he's the ceo of the top company in asia, he doesnt know how to manage his finances!"

chaeyoung playfully slapped jungkook's arm and leaned her head on his shoulder.

jungkook was baffled at how great chaeyoung was handling the situation, and couldnt help but chuckle at her adorableness.

he decided to play along too.

he brushed a lock of hair from chaeyoung's face and pushed it to the back of her ear before saying in his deep voice, " i would buy the world for you, baby."

chaeyoung was shocked at jungkook's action. a moment before, he was dreading his presence in the cafe with two problematic women, but he's going with the flow now, though that didnt stop chaeyoung from being flushed.

as she composed herself, chaeyoung turned to naeun.

" hey, say, naeun, wheres your boyfie?" chaeyoung asked all of a sudden.

naeun beamed proudly as she bragged, " my dear baby is picking out a wedding ring for me right now! im getting married! he proposed to me a week ago! he'll be here soon!"

chaeyoung gritted her teeth but smiled back, " oh, congrats! kookie here proposed to me a month ago! im getting married in two months! how exciting!" she flaunted her large diamond ring on her finger, which she just so happen to have at the moment.

naeun huffed.

jungkook was enjoying the little game his 'fiancee' was playing.

he wrapped his arm around chaeyoung's shoulder as he pressed his lips gently on her temple, saying, " getting married to the love of my life is a dream come true."

chaeyoung was stunned as she felt the warm lips of jungkook, the man she once loved, against her skin, her heartbeat increased rapidly as she looked at him, who was staring at her with a loving gaze...

... just like when they were still two, perfect lovers.

bitterness swam into her heart as she thought of how happy and lovey-dovey they were when they were still a couple.

she shook her head, trying to get rid of the feelings forming.

" oh, good for you, chae! but im still a step faster than you," naeun rubbed her belly as she said, " since i wont be pretty wearing a wedding gown with a large belly and an adorable son to anticipate!"

chaeyoung clapped her hands together before exclaiming, " if we werent such good friends, we couldve been mistaken as in-laws!" she rubbed her belly as well as she gazed lovingly at her non-existent (literally) child. " our daughter is the best blessing we could ever have!"

jungkook smirked at his beau's acting. he, too, placed his large warm hand on chaeyoung's belly as he gently rubbed it, whispering into her ears, " careful, baby. you're pregnant. dont jump." he wrapped his other arm around chaeyoung's waist as he pulled her closer.

chaeyoung's heart skipped a beat as she glanced up at the man beside her. his messy brown hair, wet lips and doe eyes. she hadnt been as up close with him since they broke up.

she vaguely remembered how excited he was when he talked about starting a family with her; how much he wanted a daughter with her.


" let's name our daughter hwayoung! she will be as pretty and as smart as her mother!" jungkook exclaimed animatedly as he lay his head in the crook of chaeyoung's neck. they were cuddling after a tiring day of work and spoke about starting a family.

chaeyoung laughed as she stroked jungkook's hair. she softly kissed the top of his head as she replied, " our baby will be as brave and adventurous as her father... she will be successful, happy and she will make us proud..."

chaeyoung snapped out of her daze as naeun continued, " my dear baby wakes up extra early everyday to prepare a healthy breakfast for me ever since he found out i was pregnant!" she showed chaeyoung and jungkook pictures of her meals. " he would work extra hard so he would be home every night to accompany me to bed!"

chaeyoung laughed as she said, " kook here took three months off for me ever since he found out i was pregnant! he has been taking care of my mood swings and cravings ever since!"

this was the last straw. naeun's frown was so severe her face looked like an upside-down full blown smile. she roughly grabbed her stuff as she muttered, " i got to go."

with that, naeun rushed out of the cafe.

" oh, naeun! please let me know when we can meet after the birth of our children! lets compare their heights... who's older... which school they go to... everything!" chaeyoung called out to the annoyed girl, intentionally infuriating her more as she disappeared from chaeyoung's sight.

chaeyoung smirked as she crossed her arms and said, " no one messes with me!"

just as she was all smug, a pair of warm arms snaked around her waist and she gasped.

" thats enough excitement for the day, baby. lets go home," jungkook whispered, smirking.

chaeyoung struggled against his grip as she grumbled, " shows over, romeo. you can let go now."

jungkook tightened his grip on her as he asked, " the hard work i put into this. wheres my reward?"

chaeyoung rolled her eyes as she answered, " i'll give you your brekkie every morning. i'll have it delivered to your office."

just then, jungkook swept chaeyoung off her feet, carrying her bridal-styled.

" YAH! PUT ME DOWN!" chaeyoung shrieked, wriggling in jungkook's grip.

luckily there were few people in the cafe. only an old lady, a young man and a staff member at the counter looked at them weirdly.

" ive changed my mind about what i want to get as reward for being your pretend fiance," jungkook declared casually, still holding her tightly in his arms.

" what do you want?" chaeyoung demanded, annoyed.

jungkook leaned in and whispered his answer into chaeyoung's ear.

all of a sudden, chaeyoung turned red and she yelled, " JEON JUNGKOOK!"

jungkook laughed as he carried chaeyoung out of the cafe and into his car, the girl kicking and whining the whole journey.






if you're wondering about their interaction as exes, i can only say that in this oneshot collection, they have a pretty complicated relationship ;)

hope yall enjoyed this too!!