Chapter 2: Master

After his call, she proceeded in giving her first aid to his wound. "This will hurt a little but this is needed to avoid infections," she whispered before she pouring the antiseptic on the man's wound.

The burning sensation of the antiseptic on his wound jolted him "The...Fu*k..." he hissed as he closed his eyes tightly.

Suddenly he heard an angelic voice saying "I know it hurts, I'm sorry but we need to do this" coaxing him like a kid while blowing his wound to minimize the pain. The man opened his eyes and stared at the voice talking to him. In his daze, he asked, "Am I dying?" he thought he was looking at an angel.

Huh? Li Xiu Ying was puzzled, she's not sure if she heard the man correctly. Suddenly she heard two SUVs come to a screech near them, followed by the opening of car doors and hurried steps.

A tall guy shouted "Master!" while he approached them

"You'" the man said "" he said slowly

"Yes, Master" the tall guy replied while nodding at the four men beside them. They carefully carried "Master" in the car while the tall guy followed them, however before he left he turned back and said "I hope this remains secret" as he entered the car where the Master was brought to.

Li Xiu Ying was in a daze at how fast everything came to an end. One moment she was kneeling beside the man, and then suddenly the man was carried away. Did just that happen? she asked herself.

She stands up, unsure still if it's real or just an imagination. However, upon seeing her bloodied hand, it convinces her that it's real. She shakes her head as she continues to walk towards her apartment.

Jangli Village

Screeches of SUVs could be heard in front of a mansion on top of the hill. Four men alighted carrying the "Master" as they hurriedly walked towards the basement.

The basement holds the make-shift clinic of the mansion; waiting for them is a 50-year-old man wearing a scrub suit; he's Dr. Wu the trusted Doctor of the "family".

When the men placed the "Master" on the hospital bed. Dr. Wu approached them immediately checked the "Master's" injury and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that it was not as serious as he deemed it to be.

One hour passed and Dr. Wu was able to complete the procedure for the "Master". As he removed his gloves he said "Master's injury is not as serious as we thought it to be, but he needs plenty of rest. You can move him to his room in an hour. I'll leave the prescriptions for the medicines he needs to take."

"Okay, Dr. Wu" replied the tall guy, he's Liu Haoran "How long will the recovery be?" he asked while walking beside him outside the clinic.

"Since Master has been taking care of his health, I think he'll recover in two weeks or probably in a week," he said while handing him the prescriptions.

Two days after...

"Master" woke up with pain in his lower stomach. He tried to sit up but even with minimal movement, it felt like his entire body is burning with pain. "Haoran!" he hissed while he lay down in bed again.

"Yes, Master?" said Liu Haoran standing quickly beside the Master's bed.

"How long am I out?" he asked as he reclined on the headboard of his bed.

"Two days, Master" Li Haoran replied while looking at his Master "According to Dr. Wu the injury is not that serious and the wound luckily was not infected. Thanks to the girl who gave you the first aid" as he handed him warm water to drink.

"A girl?" he frowns as he searches his memory of what happened that fateful day. He remembers hearing an angelic voice but could not remember her face. He remembered her having a hard time pulling him out from the flowerbed "So what's her name and where is she?" he asked Liu Haoran

"Master?" asked Li Haoran, not sure if he heard the question correctly "I don't know, I did not investigate her" he added, then he thought, is he supposed to do that?

Master glared at him and said "Alright, then find her now"

"Right away Master" Liu Haoran nodded and was about to walk out of the room when he turned around and asks, "Who did this to you, Master?"