Chapter 4: Royal Rumble

"Royal Rumble Day?" asked Lin one of the new nurses assigned to shadow beside Li Xiu Ying

"Yes, Royal Rumble" she replied "It's the day when the gangs in this city hold an annual wrestling competition. It's an underground thing that is not a secret to everyone" she added while fixing all the medicines they'll need.

"Exciting" Lin replied enthusiastically. She has been into tattooed guys and bad boy types since she started reading web novels "So will there be a lot of tattooed guys later" she excitedly asked Li Xiu Ying while following her.

"I guess so" Li Xiu Ying pondered finding Lin's question as weird.

ER of Jin Medical City

30 minutes later, Li Xiu Ying started her shift, the ER was busy already. She's not sure what time the "Royal Rumble" started but usually, as early as morning, they'll get injured patients already. 

She's currently attending to one of the casualties of the said event. A tattooed, burly, and skinhead guy who had a busted forehead; so busted that blood was oozing from his wound above his eyes, blood and sweat gushed out mixing the two.

"How long will they stitch my wound?" impatiently asked the guy looking at her

"Usually it will only take a few minutes" she answered stiffly "Unless the Doctors order additional tests or procedures"

"No, just stitch me up now," said the guy urgently "Have to go back there and finish it" while he punched his right palm.

"Alright, I'll stitch you up now!" said Dr. Wei while winking at Li Xiu Ying, he's one of the surgeons assigned to the ER today. He's very popular amongst the nurses, doctors, and patients because of his good looks and height at 186 cm. "But I also need to check if there are internal injuries, you know how important our head is right? he asked sarcastically.

" Just stitch me up Doc" replied the burly man "I'm good and I'm okay," he said with finality while he snorted.

"Alright if you say so... We'll start now," Dr. Wei said while approaching him "Xiu Ying can you get the Consent Form for him to sign since he doesn't want to stay for other procedures."

"Right away Doc" Li Xiu Ying replied as she went out to get the form

Another two hours has passed

Everyone was still busy running in the Emergency Room, patients kept on flocking and most of them were bloodied due to the event of that day.

Li Xiu Ying was outside the ER waiting for the next ambulance to arrive; when suddenly a group of men approached her carrying a bloodied man.

"Nurse, can you help us attend to him" said one of the men as they approached her

"I need a gurney here" Li Xiu Ying shouted while assessing the injury of the new patient. She didn't notice a tall guy approaching them after transferring the patient to the bed. "Please bring him to Bay 14 and call for Dr. Jing, thank you" he instructed the male nurse who brought out the gurney.

"Aren't you not going to attend to him?" questioned a voice from her back "Aren't you supposed to take care of the patients?" he asked sarcastically

She turned to the man speaking behind her and tilted her head. "I apologize, Sir, someone will take care of him inside and will be with you shortly" This guy is seriously tall, she thought.

"No, I don't want anyone else," he said sternly while approaching her "I want you" he added with finality

Wang Jin heard the commotion at the entrance of the ER and said "It's okay, Li Xiu Ying, I'll cover for the next ambulance" She nodded her head affirming it was okay to leave her post now "I think the next one will just be a minor injury" she added

"Thank you Jing-a" she whispered as she helped the other nurse wheel the gurney inside the ER. She did not spare even one glance at the man who questioned him earlier, earning her a pout and a glare from him.