Chapter 13: Faint

When Li Xiu Ying and Dr. Jing arrived at the hospital, a lot of commotion was already happening in the emergency room. She immediately changed into her scrub suit and jumped into the action in the ER.

12 hours after...

Nurse Leung, the charge nurse in the ER approached her and said" Li Xiu Ying, you can go home already, the replacement will be here soon. Thank you for your assistance."

"Alright, Thanks Mam" Li Xiu Ying said while she walked to the changing room. She wanted to shower but she's afraid that she'll fall asleep while taking one due to fatigue. 

After 15 minutes, she was on her way out when she bumped into Wang Jing "Going home?" she asked.

"Hmm," she nods in response and gives her a tight small smile.

"Alrighty! Take care! Hope you sleep a lot! okay?" Wang Jing said as she waved goodbye to her.

As she steps out of the hospital entrance a car suddenly stops in front of her. She avoided the parked car and tried to walk around it when she heard a loud honk from it.

Puzzled, she stops in front, shades her eyes, and attempts to see the driver. 

Suddenly the driver went out walking towards her. "I told you to answer my call!!!" he shouted while grabbing her arm.

Li Xiu Ying was shocked when she saw the person grabbing her arm "What are you doing here?" she asked in confusion.

"I told you to answer my call!!!" Zhang Wei repeated while advancing toward her

"Your call?" she said in dazed while she stepped back from him "Where's my phone?" she asked herself not realizing she said it out loud

"Seriously?" he said irritably as he grabs both her shoulders "I have called you multiple times and each time I get the same sh*t recording that your phone was off" he added while gritting his teeth in annoyance

"I don't even know where my phone is," she said softly while she rummaged through her bag "Found it!" she exclaimed after a few minutes.

She taps her phone but the screen remains black "Hmmm...I think I need to charge my phone" talking to herself while she tries to walk away from him.

Before she could take another step her elbow was seized by Zhang Wei "Not too fast" he said "Where do you think you're going?" he asked coldly

"Home" she replied softly "I need to sleep, I need a bed" she added struggling to open her eyes

Suddenly, she could feel herself lightheaded and her vision getting fuzzy....

Zhang Wei was shocked when Li Xiu Ying fainted in front of her. He sees her body falling slowly and all he can do is catch her. He lifts her and carries her into his car. He made her sit on the passenger seat and buckled her seatbelt, once sure that she was safe he started the car and began to drive home.