Chapter 30: New Life

When they arrived outside the hospital, a sports car was waiting for them, the passenger side was opened by one of the bodyguards who asked Li Xiu Ying to be seated. 

She's so confused about what is happening that she does not protest. She returned to her wits when the door at the driver's side was closed and Zhang Wei started to drive them away. 

"What do you mean you bought the hospital?" she asked looking at her. 

"It is exactly what it means" he replied curtly "I bought the hospital because I want to know exactly what happened and who betrayed you aside from the Director." he looked briefly at her and back on the road. 

"Why?" she said while shaking his arm near her "I mean, why would you do that? I know your rich and all. But do you need a hospital?" she added still clinging to his arm.

"As much as I want you to cling to my arm all day, I would appreciate it if you'd let go first because I was having a hard time driving," he smirked and laughed when he briefly removed her hand from his arm.

"Oh no, I know what you're doing," she said "You're changing the subject again," she added while pouting at him.

"We'll talk later," he said smiling at her. 

"Where are we going?" she asked when she saw they were traveling opposite the direction of their apartment. 

"Home," he replied briefly

"I want to go home to my apartment!" she said looking at him "Please" she added softly. 

He did not reply and resumes to drive. 

"Zhang Wei, I have a lot of things to do and I need to complete them all by myself," she added "So, can I go home?" 

Zhang Wei looked at her briefly and saw how stressed she was. He took pity on her and decided that maybe this was not the right time to take her to his house. He knew she would fight him if he insisted on what he wanted to do now.

Zhang Wei took a deep breath and said "Okay, but you have to answer all my calls every time I call you. I will be informed of all your actions and where you at, okay? if at any time I cannot contact you, I'll make sure someone will get you and you'll live with me starting that day!" he looked at her checking if she'd be okay with his conditions. 

"Wait, why do you have a lot of conditions?" she asked raising her left eyebrow at him 

"Alright, If you don't want any conditions, then you'll stay with me starting today" he challenges her "I mean, I can fix whatever you need to fix, then we can talk about our marriage after."

Li Xiu Ying was very confused by what he said. We were just talking about me going home, how come marriage was included in the conversations?

"Okay, I will answer your calls every time," she said while gritting her teeth, she didn't want to talk about other things because she knew it would risk her going home today. 

Zhang Wei smiled at her answer and started to turn around the car in the direction of her apartment. 

When they arrived at the apartment, Zhang Wei immediately got out of the car to open the door at Li Xiu Ying's side. Once she got out of the car, he embraced her tightly and kissed her lips briefly. 

"Make sure to answer my call, okay?" Zhang Wei said looking at her and once she nodded, he went back to the car. Inside the car, he dialed a number and called someone. 

"Please make sure to follow your Mistress" he said briefly before ending the call.