"If you really want us to help you then you have to let us bring two people along."

"I agree to those terms but why did you change your mind?".

"That was easy, are you sure?".

The tall.... No, Raphael knelt in front of him and placed his hand on his shoulder like he was speaking to a child.

Rodney didn't appreciate the condescension , especially when he remembered that he was still a child.

He flicked his hand away and replied, looking down on the boy with a smug expression, "If they're useless, then I'll just get rid of them."

"You'll kill them?!".

"Hmmn...", he placed a finger on his chin, "There's always that option. I was just going to wipe their memory of anything related to Atlantis but that works too."

"No, it doesn't!".

"Yes, it does. Less expensive and risky."

Rodney countered him matter-of-factly.

"How is committing murder risk-free?".

"It's not a crime if no one knows about it."

"That line, I see you're a man of culture".


"You're not?".

"It's something that my father says."

"Ah, yes. The great Michael Zimmerman, interesting, Now I have several reasons to meet with him.", Gabriel said finally dropping his phone, "So, when are we going?".

"My father is always on the move, you'd have better luck with hunting Bigfoot and I was thinking, right now."

"We have stuff....".

"Which I shall handle, you need not worry. I'll only need you full time for a week, after which, whenever you're free, just give me a call."

The twins were unfazed and left without carrying anything but their phones.

"I hate rich people."

"Me too."


Rodney was giving vague answers to the questions that Marie asked. It was almost like he was afraid of something.

Eventually, Marie gave up on extracting useful information from the child. They found no other clues in the house, which made finding the picture suspicious. It was almost like someone left it there on purpose.

She felt a bit tired and so she decided to rest while she could. She closed her eyes and then she realized that 'a bit' was an understatement. But just about when she was about to fall asleep Andy announced that the helicopters were ready to fly.

She wondered why the robot was avoiding the manor. He had told two lies to prevent them from going there. Sam didn't have any complaints about it so she decided that she would ignore it for now.

They silently packed up and Rodney left a small envelope attached to the door he ruined. In a few minutes, they were on the way to Atlantis.

Marie struggled to keep her eyes open but she was failing. Sam closed his eyes and sank into the chair. Marie understood that he was telling her that it was okay to rest so she copied him and let nature take its course.


"I'm done, it's pretty easy to understand."

Barely an hour with the cube and Rodney claimed that he knew all of its secrets. Sam was impressed.

"That was too fast, how does it work?".

"You wouldn't understand."

"Try me."

"It is based on entanglement, a similar device with trapped photons sharing information with the ones present in it. Audio and video data are converted into quantum information which is transmitted via entanglement."

"How do you even make something like that?".

"Don't know."

Sam gave him a questioning look at the quick display of a white flag. But he only smiled.

"Yet, but it doesn't matter. Time doesn't matter with this device, so with it, I'm going to transfer my consciousness into the Playground using the tech here."

"Sure, get to work. If you need any help...".

"I'm actually done with everything, I need you two to watch over my body in case I forget to wake up."

Sam's bag dropped from his shoulder and the sound of glass and plastic breaking punctuated the silence.

Marie was watching them without knowing what they were talking about until he said that he was done with everything.

"I've set it up, all you need to do is watch over me. Follow."

"Is he a child at all?".

"Child?", Sam repeated, "Is he even human?".

Rodney lay on a bed taken from the infirmary. Medical supplies, rations and water were also placed close to the bed. The mind reading device lay on the pillow, connected to a computer which was connected to the cube.

Rodney lay on the bed and placed the device on his head. He took a deep breath.

"All right, do it."

Sam checked the computer, Rodney had also written a program for the cut and paste apparatus he made.

All he had to do was input the time of arrival. Thanks to Jay's data, they could pinpoint the exact second to send him to. He ran the calculation function and was about to activate it when he had a stray thought.

"Why don't you try starting from the beginning with the others?, he pushed his glasses,"Time doesn't matter, right?".

"I don't want to change what has already happened."

"Oh, then I can send you to a few seconds after the first team goes up."

"That'll be....".

"Wait, can we communicate with the Savants?".

"Theoretically, yes. Actually everything here is just based on theories. It's unreasonable to think realistically here. So it should be possible."

Rodney raised a thumb.

"I knew you would say that sooner or later. Display Database, link with Coulomb."

Marie stared at the screen expectantly after Rodney spoke however the video was projected overhead.

"Yo, Marie. I've been expecting your call."

Coulomb, Schrodinger, Laplace, Newton, Ein and Stein appeared on screen. They looked a bit older and it threw Marie of guard.


"Sorry, I've heard everything from Ein, Gabriel but I still don't remember you very well. As for why I chose to stay, you should know that. I really don't have anything to say to you."

Schrodinger hit his head.

"You could have phrased that differently."

"Rodney, he's there. I know he's there. I want to see him."

Newton pushed the bickering duo away and pestered  Sam and Marie. Rodney shook when he heard her voice, then he reluctantly went to the camera's range and waved uneasily.

"Kat, it's been a while."

They stared at each other awkwardly for almost a minute.



They spoke at the same time and then averted their eyes.

"I'm sorry for leaving you alone, I'll be right there in just a few seconds."

"I know."



"Well, what did you want to say?".

"It doesn't matter anymore."

Sam clapped and placed his hand on the table.

"Now that the greetings are over, how did you know that we were calling?", Sam glared at Tom, "Have you met Rodney?".

"Yes, time is faster in the Playground. From your perspective, it's been eight days?", without waiting for an answer he continued, "It's been a hundred and ninety-five for us."

"An hour is a day?".

"Brilliant, as expected of Rodney Zimmerman. Yes, that is correct."

Ein's reply was soaked in sarcasm as if Rodney pointed out the obvious. Sam steered the conversation to a safer zone.

"Quite convenient, so you can return to your lives in a few months tops and the show continues. "

"Sure, but we'll be celebrities. ", Stein said.

"It's time".


"Then we have to leave, goodluck Rodney."

Schrodinger and Coulomb confirmed with Laplace and disconnected.

"Alright send me in, an hour after they leave Level 0."

"In five..., four...., three....., two...".

Sam slammed a button and Rodney became unconscious. He checked his laptop for the Playgrounds videos at the chosen time.

Hmmmn... There's no sign of him. Did his appearance change or....


Rodney's voice blared. Sam realized his mistake around the same time that he shouted. He changed his target from 7 hours to 7 days and he saw Rodney with a few stragglers on the Floor of test.

Sam pretended not to hear Marie laughing at him.

"How do I get you out?".

"Don't touch anything anymore. I'll log out myself".

Rodney sounded worried and his fingers trembled as his fingers worked in the air. His concern and fear was soon replaced by confusion.

"I know this is a bit of a cliché but I can't log out."

Sam was still nursing his wounds so Rodney got away with his speech.

"Guess it won't be that easy. Maybe it was even a trap."

Marie said what they were thinking of but afraid to say. Then Rodney let out a weird exclamation.

"What's wrong?".

"Nothing at all."

"It doesn't really change anything. You wanted to go up and meet the creator and that hasn't changed. We'll handle everything on this side."

"I'm counting on you, Marie. It appears that you are more useful than you look. More than Sam at least".

Marie wasn't sure how to take it. It sounded like a compliment but it was definitely insulting. Sam was nowhere to be seen. He must have suffered critical damage from that last statement.

Marie remembered that he dropped his laptop and went to check it. Rodney getting trapped in the Pl confirmed her suspicion.

Jay was the Creator, working with the Creator or at least knew more than he was telling.

Calling the person Creator feels wrong at this point. It should be Mastermind.

I might find a clue that can help solve everything.

She found the laptop in working condition despite the damage it received from the fall. The cracked screen and a few loose keys weren't too limiting. She typed in his password and got to work.


Once I cut the comms to Marie, my smile returned. The Playground.

A fitting name.

I can do whatever I want here.

I checked my name again, Zimmerman.

It could mean one of two things.

One, My real name was being used because of my special circumstances.

Two, My father was recognized as someone who contributed a lot to humanity and I was granted his name.

The first test was to jump over a gorge. Once in a while, the remaining Savants tried to get across but failed. It was pathetic. They failed at the very first stage.

I watched them carefully. It was impossible for a human to make the jump. It must require you to use your abilities.

Wait, the Savants didn't get their abilities until they passed this.

Then there was something else involved. There was no point thinking too much about it. If I can't make the jump, I might as well as just walk on air.

I took a step forward, I felt nothing beneath my left foot and stared at the darkness below. Then I pressed my left foot down and moved my right.





Soon, I was on the other side. A cylinder drooped out of the sky. I turned around but I didn't didn't see anyone. Nobody saw me at all. I was partly pleased and disappointed.

I entered the cylinder and it took me to the next Level.

Guide update.... Blah blah blah.... Abilities!


I quickly checked what I had. I had three options but there was nothing written apart from the numbers.

I was going to close the panel and check it again later but I chose the second one and waited.

Who needs abilities anyway?

I returned to reading the guide.

This guide is really small, it doesn't tell me much. I wonder if there's something like a catalogue that shows everything in the Playground.

It'd be nice to have one.

Skill : God's Will - Omniscience

"Things just got interesting. I wonder what else I can do."

Information on every single item in the Playground was now in my head. It was easy to understand that I had triggered my ability by thinking of what I wanted.

God's Will.

Then Zimmerman means Rodney Zimmerman.

This is a manifestation of my god complex.

Then, I want every item and ability in the Playground. Information on every level and test.

Only up to the thirteenth huh?


I hummed happily while I thought of anything else that I could use. With the aid of the maps, abilities and knowledge I acquired, finding the test arena wasn't hard.

Everything stopped moving without warning. I was wondering if I had unconsciously stopped time, then a skeleton with an eyepatch appeared in front of me.

To be honest, it looked ridiculous. It was just about my height. I stared into its empty socket.

"Who are you and how did you get in?".

One-eyed Jolly.


Wow, I've lost interest already.

"I have no interest in small fry."

I waved my hand and it disappeared, everything returned to normal. I made sure that he wouldn't be able to bother me for a while and returned to locating for the arena.

Found it!

Advanced Perception and Teleport.

I also knew what to expect. I challenged the first Savant I saw.

Sorry, you're an unlucky boy. I'm not just going to win, I'm going to crush you.

The instant the green ball, net and field appeared, I raised my left hand.


My opponent didn't even twitch. I wasn't disappointed or surprised. If it was that easy then staying in the Playground would be boring.

Now, why didn't that work?

Soon, I realized I had too much information to sort out. It would be better if I had something intelligent that explained things to me when I asked.

My ability activated and I got a parrot. It was a colourful creature but I had no time for aesthetics.


y opponent was already jumping to throw the ball at me.

Why didn't it work?

You have zero Strength and Range.

Telepathy works and I don't have to completely explain myself to get you to understand. What's...

Normally, once you get your first ability, you'll receive explanation about it. Range and Strength are assigned to your abilities. Your own ability doesn't need it, so you don't have any. Even if you borrow abilities, you can't draw their full strength against other Savants.

Okay. Everything Freeze!

My opponent was about to hit the ball. He stopped with his hand a bit above it. I accessed my panel and checked for items that could help. I didn't want any flashy weapons, just support items that could...

Got it.

Gloves of Enlightening.

Increases ER.

Hercule Potion.

Increases ES by a lot for one hour.

Both increased proportional to my level. I obtained a Range of 2 millimetres and Strength triple my opponents according to the parrot.

Should really name it.

Something it said was bugging me.

Does the Strength have units or values that are quantifiable?

The way you stated it is inconvenient for reference.

It does not, if I were to start assigning values arbitrarily, it would create worse problems for reference.

That did make sense. If the weakest person turned out to be the second weakest, then you'd have to change the values you set for everyone. Plus there are several ways to manipulate ES and ER, worse still, Savants are constantly leveling up. It would be really complicated.


My left hand was already targeting the boy when I returned the flow of time to normal. I activated my ability again and he was tossed out of bounds.

Maybe I overdid it.

I entered the cylinder to the next Level.

Normally, a Savant should get new abilities at this point but there was nothing for me. Not like I needed any. Once again, I checked my map and combined two abilities I felt I would be using a lot.

Advanced Perception and Teleportation.

Speed shooting.

Five minutes.

Different coloured discs are fired from the side. Destroy the colour assigned to you, earn a point.

Any other and you lose two points.

You must have at least 50 points to win.

If more than two have 50 or more, the Savants with the most points win.

Lose and you have to wait twenty four hours to try again.

Killing isn't allowed in this test.

Guns are provided but Savants with abilities that can fire beams or projectiles have an advantage.

There was no shortage of unlucky Savants here. I picked the first three I found and we went into the Shooting Range.

Once the timer reached zero, a flurry of red, blue, green and white discs flew from the walls. Following the parrots advice, I used a combination of Spatial Awareness, Spatial Manipulation and Mental Disorientation.

I had my mind's eye on every disc. All blue discs were destroyed as soon as they popped out by distortion in space. Finally, the mental processes of my opponents were occurring at half their original rate.

That wasn't enough for me. I was the only one who would win. I created illusionary discs and hid the real discs. With a little control of the wind, I also made the discs avoid any lucky hits.

After the five minutes were up, I watched my opponents stare slack-jawed at my perfect score while they had zeroes.

Cylinder, Next Level.

Nobody can stop me. I will reach the end and tear down the veil surrounding the Creator.

Level three's test was a team battle to protect territories. I took it alone and wiped out three teams with only a little difficulty.

Level four's test was a bit difficult since only a few Savants had made it there. Still, they were no match for me.

We were supposed to cross from one side of a post-apocalyptic wasteland city to another. Various monsters and machines were there to stop us. Naturally, it would be better to team up since it was impossible to make it in a day. However, I used my combination of Advanced Perception and Teleportation and made it to the end without bothering to fight anything.

I yawned and headed for the goal line.

That was boring.

Once I crossed it, a message appeared.

I don't need your congratu... The hell?

I have to defeat a Savant in combat.

Killing is allowed.

I thought he was averse to killing.

No, even worse. A group of people who worked together and survived that hell would come here and meet this.

Then what?

They would have to fight each other or wait for another team.

This is messed up.

I love it!.

I sat and waited for an opponent. After several hours, I realized my folly. I should have been more prepared for this. I made a note to myself that I would keep supplies and....


I want food and a novel.

Everything I wished for appeared. I couldn't resist laughing.

This is so convenient. I might live here forever.

I was about to bite into a sandwich when a beam of gamma radiation came hurtling. I could see and dodge it because I was keeping Spatial Awareness and Adrenaline Surge active.

I turned in the direction of the beam and saw a girl walk towards me. It was a bit annoying because I couldn't really 'see' the beams. I summoned the Parrot, temporarily dubbed Aer. I asked for an ability that let me see gamma radiation and he found Full Spectrum.

I activated it and saw a yellowish green glow surrounding the girl.

If I tried to freeze time and kill her, I might have died.

A worthy opponent.

I dodged the beams over and over again. She didn't move to fire the beams or appear to be fazed by the fact that she couldn't hit me.

I finally decided to counterattack. I used my telekinesis on her but it didn't have any effect. The parrot told me that he didn't know why it didn't work.

That was a first.

It was slightly disturbing but I ignored the fear building up inside me.

I tried several more abilities. Gravity, Heat, Electricity, Decomposition, Cellular Destruction, Mental Disorientation, Telepathy, Mind Control, Hypnosis, Analysis, Temporal Resonance.

I wondered if throwing her into a pocket dimension counted as a victory but I couldn't test it because I didn't have the ability to open large portals. It was then I noticed that I was gradually becoming stronger as I Leveled up. Maybe later I would be able to open portals big enough to swallow a city.

After everything failed, I was certain that no abilities affected her. In that case, I had to use my abilities on her indirectly. Luckily, we were in a dead city.

I used my telekinesis to destroy buildings around the area and fired the fragments at her. All the fragments vaporized a few centimeters away from her. I noticed her aura flashed red a bit before they were vaporized.

I have no choice now.

It's time to go all out.

I destroyed more buildings but this time I compressed the materials I obtained into a ball. A massive sphere about 70 metres wide.

She looked at the sphere with the same expressionless face.

Dammit, she's a rare jewel. I don't want to kill her. Someone like her could be a brilliant ally.

But I also don't want to waste any more time.

And I'm feeling drowsy.

She converged all her energy into a super massive beam but it only melted the exterior of the sphere. While she was charging up, I noticed she brought out an object. I stole it using my Teleportation.

Better safe than sorry.

Then I dropped the sphere and that was the end. I felt a lot of pain and disappointment. I didn't want to take someone like her out but I was also disappointed.

What will I do with the second one?

I watched the second sphere of debris fall from the sky and shatter the first. I used Analysis on the item.

Player made.

Doesn't exist in any category of items or the catalogue.

Nullifies all effects of Savants abilities on the wearer except their own.

When damaged, releases a message to the creator.

So there's someone who made this. Interesting.

I guess the Playground is going to be more fun than I thought.

I entered the cylinder and felt very tired. Aer told me that I needed to rest. I must have used my abilities too much.

By the end of the day I made it to Level five but since there were no opponents there, I had to leave the Level. But first I broke the item I acquired from the Savant who gave me so much trouble. I was hoping more like her would come. They were the only ones who made it fun.
