
We were all silent as we listened to my daughter explain the construction of the wall, her account of how I arrested her in her own home and even an exaggerated version of my attempt to open the door of her room, I look at the others present but their faces were Indescribable, it was difficult for me to know if they were angry, worried or nervous, when looking at the representative our eyes meet and I feel his contempt, uncomfortable for what is happening I look at the screen again, it is as if she was speaking directly to me.

— The animanos do not plan to leave our country, the military occupation that we are experiencing are preparations for the division of the nation, the area from Santiago to the coast will be cut by a wall, as they did with the Berlin wall, this is a new war that has fallen on us, indifference to this issue is to support the enemy, so each Chilean must prepare to defend the land that belongs to them "The land is ours and no one lends it."

The rep turns off the TV— Anything to say about it?

Although the question is open to all five of us, I can't help but feel responsible for what just happened— We still have a margin of time to improve the situation, we have to show that the wall system is the best for everyone.

— Or not build it for now —says Veronica.

— That's not an option, —he decrees.

Veronica stands up, apparently she already has a plan in her mind— We must make people ask for the wall, that they really see it as a symbol of coexistence or that the animanos that inhabit the country demand to separate from humans.

— I still think that curfews would be perfect for what's happening —Samuel murmurs.

— None of that, I support Verónica's idea —Leticia walks towards Verónica, the leader of the Caedes family— that people ask for the construction of the wall and we can stop Eusebio's daughter from being a liar.

— Mr. Representative —Octavio takes the floor— What will the ANC say if we ask that the creation of the wall be delayed for a few years?

— According to the cases that I know, a period of five years is given to start the construction of the wall, if there are no signs of progress, the current families would be dismissed to place another five capable of carrying out the work.

— We can do it in five years —Veronica clarifies.

— I will arrange a press meeting so that they can deny the statements.

With the departure of the ANC representative, the five of us stayed in the room.

— What a daughter you have —Samuel says mockingly— What will you do with her now?

—That's my business —I also wonder the same thing, but first I will have to find her, I doubt that she will return home.

— Go solve that —Veronica says kindly to me— let's prepare ideas that will motivate people to become animano.

I nod in gratitude, as I walk down the hall I can't help but let out little roars, my blood is boiling, I told Carolina that I couldn't let her sister go out, they bring the limousine in which we all arrived.

On the way home things have already gotten out of hand, civilians spitting on uniformed animanos, in another sector arrests are being carried out, I could witness how an animano mixed with hippopotamus lets out a bellow that makes people back away, Due to his absence of a helmet and the wounds on his head, I can deduce that he was already attacked, from the sky animanos with wings on their backs begin to shoot which finally manages to dissolve the revolt, one of them attends to his partner while the rest continues to watch.

I can't help but knock on the door, if I had her in front of me I don't know what I would do with her, maybe give her the beating I never gave her, I listen to my father's complaints about my being too soft, I close my eyes and shake my head horizontally, a louder roar escapes from my mouth.

When I get to my house, I see the neighbors from the sector crowded in front of my house, when they see the car park they turn towards it, as if they knew that I was exactly in there, they have positioned themselves both in front of and behind the car.

— I can speed up if you want—the driver tells me, who is also a soldier after all.

The last thing I need is to be accused of assaulting civilians— No need, we can solve this with dialogue.

I listen to the questions of the people, when I look out the window I confirm that no journalist or photographer is in the place, I open the door, some people stand further ahead to see me first, when our glances meet without thinking for a second they are made for a side, I stand up straight looking at everyone present, I only recognize expressions of panic and concern, all the noise disappears, the only thing that can be heard is the sound of the car, I walk towards the gate of my house, at the entrance of I am turning around to look at all the spectators.

— My name is Eusebio Iustitia, as you can see, now I am an animano, but my loyalties are still towards humanity, I will work every one of my days to improve this side— the public looks at each other, I am not convincing them— feel free to visit my home so we can talk. Any questions? if not, I would like to enter to rest.

As I thought, everyone is too scared by my new face— Have a ...

— Are you going to build a wall in Chile ?!

I can't tell who in the crowd said that, but I'm not interested either— The things my daughter said are lies, we don't plan to build any wall in the country, we have other priorities.

— What are the animanos priorities?

— Whatever the human priorities.

— When will the military leave?

— When we make sure that the country is stable in political and social terms.

— When will that be?

— You will decide, humans and animanos must work in harmony and unity to build a better Chile, if we demonstrate these attitudes, the Council of Animan Nations will give the order to withdraw the troops, other information will be given to you through the television broadcast that we will carry out shortly —although they are still unconvinced, I can notice a certain relaxation in the atmosphere— thank you for caring about your country, together we will make Chile that happy copy of Eden that is sung in our national anthem.

Without any applause or boo I enter my home, given the circumstances, for me that is a victory, the first thing I find is my wife sitting smoking, her surprise when she sees my face is minimal, the smell of cigarette smoke drowns me, so I open the windows of the house, she continues smoking without taking for granted.

— Where is Carolina? I ask as I open the last window.

— What do you need it for? He puts out his cigarette in the ashtray.

— I asked him to watch over his sister and now ...

— He went on television to filter your plans.

— Our plans.

— Did you ask me if I wanted to become something like you? Did you ask my opinion when you locked up my daughter?

— I can't believe you're still upset about that —I stay near the window to avoid the stale air in the house.

— You can't decide what to do with each one's life.

— I'm not doing that, I allowed Leopoldo to stay and raise his family so that his children cross over when they turn 18 and Carolina supports me in this project.

— In the end Leopoldo will do what you want and what happened to Rosa, you will also lock me up if I oppose your wishes.

— To oppose you? Why would you do something like that?

— To show you that the more time you spend involved in this conflict, the more you look like your father, you just haven't noticed —He gets up from his seat, walks towards me and carefully rests the palm of his hand on my face —I don't care what you look like, I just want to preserve the man I met the first time.

I touch his hand with mine, I close my eyes and bow my head as if it were a tamed animal, my chest relaxes as our heads meet, we hug each other and we stay like that for a long time, in this storm that I am living, she had forgotten how calm her presence is, like landing in a port after a string of days sailing through thunder and lightning.