Chapter 16 :- Parents get to know about there affair

In the room, they both entered and saw that Sakshi was lying on the bed. On sakshi head, leg there were bandages and she had a minor fracture in his right hand. She had losed a lot of blood also so there is a drip on his left hand through which blood is going in her body.

After 10 minutes, Sakshi woke up. She looked beside her and saw Raghav and then she saw the full room and saw her parents also.

" How are you? " raghav said holding her hand

" Good " she said shocked looking towards raghav

" You will be fine soon. Don't worry " he said kissing on her forehead

" What are you doing? " she said looking towards her parents in shock

" Mom dad know about us." he said smiling

" What? " she said shockingly

" Yes " sakshi mother said happily

" Dad are you angry with me? " sakshi said worriedly

" No " sakshi dad said

" But..... " she started saying but her father interrupted

" I already know about both of you I'm just waiting for that day when you will tell me about all this but at last raghav told me everything " sakshi father said coming towards her

" So are you angry with me or not? " she asked looking worriedly

" Why I should be angry? " her father said sitting beside her

" Because of all this " she said

" Raghav is a good boy. I know each and everything about her I'm not angry at all" her father said looking towards raghav proudly

" Okay " she said relieved

" Leave all this. Tell me how all this happen? " raghav asked her

" I don't know. I'm just crossing the road and there was nothing coming from both of the sides " she said having tears in her eyes because of the incident trauma

" Okay . Don't worry about that" he said hugging her

" hmmm " she said

" Tell me who pushed you from stairs that day? " he asked her narrowing her eyes

" Why are you asking this? " she asked worriedly

" Just tell me " he said touching her cheeks softly

" I already told you because of my sandal I fall from stairs " she said holding her hand

" Don't lie " he said angrily

" I'm not lying " she shouted angrily

" You're lying. I know Anshika pushed you from stairs " he said putting her hands on his shoulder to calm down

" No. Stop it raghav I'm not feeling well at all. My head is hurting and you're asking stupid questions. Please stop it " she said cryingly

" I just want to know who hurted you that's why I'm asking you " he said wiping her tears

" You don't even care about me " she said pushing her hand angrily

" I do love I do. Please don't be angry. " he said hugging her