Today was a balmy 0°C it wasn't that bad of a day I was able to go out and not complain about my ears being frozen or hurting. I was able to brave the cold very easily whatever cold it was. So I will see everyone I am was visiting my brother Brian whom I never seen in a long time. This visit Because of my limitations with a cold has been no longer Then the visit with my mom on Christmas Day, but that was because other people limited to deal with me. But I was happy to see my brother for the first time in almost a decade. I still remember my father telling him that he was not allowed back at the house or that he wasn't allowed to visit. My father called him a screwup. I wanted to show my compassion towards Bryan for many a year but couldn't because my father at the time had a memory of elephant. I don't like to take a vantage of people just advantages but I learned my father was in a nursing home and had severe dementia so I went and sold my support and compassion and Brian and I was able to see him for the first time in years today my long lost brother. This is no different from when I was seeing my mom in the nursing home on Christmas Day my almost long lost mother.
Those are good times almost ended because I heard from my mother that my aunt wanted her dead and I was furious I was so furious I had to tell my brother John about what was going on and I was so infuriated and I was crying. I felt like it was my fault because I had to tell what my aunt said to my mother but I didn't realize that it was before I was reunited with my mother and she said out of unknowingly that she won't make it. But my mom is making it through it every day every phone call I hear from her and every time as she doesn't mind for a minute or she does a poem to help calm her self down and I told her it's a miracle. And I didn't like the idea that my aunt was condemning my mother to death. So I was and I was telling John this, Comparing my aunt to Mangala. I was not happy to have made that particular comparison but I was like really angry and I was cursing and swearing because I was had to hear my mothers tears on the phone. Wouldn't that fuck you up as well excuse my French. Hearing the woman that raised you and adopted you cry so hard because your sister said something so nasty when you take a bullet for your mother to if you had to I was just furious and how to say what I had to say that I feel like I was a blabbermouth but I'm glad it's been said what I had to say or I probably would be still crying right now. Some people are just so negative and they don't want to other people to live or have the right to live that's what I fine and I think that is unfair. I am not intending on talking to my aunt and less I need or want something or have a question ask I will not be talking to her on a personal level unless I need or want some thing like a gift and then I'll be polite I don't know that I will not be talking to her because I am in full rage mode and I will be for quite a long time because of the way she treated my mother. Newsflash people make mistakes and people sometimes have medical problems because of those mistakes we're only human if you cannot see that, then screw you. Again my French.
My day didn't start off as planned as I had a very bad dream about a humanoid with a box cutter as head the very boxy cutter the used in 9/11 attacks. Are you down for this particular humanoid or knife head as my ex principal escaping from hell he died so long ago after he done a search atrocious things to me because of my Muslim Heritage after 911 and he died and went to hell and now he is back as a demon in my opinion if this dream keeps up I'm going to have to be smudged by a shaman To drive him away and his visitations because he is a demon who didn't like his accommodations in the ninth circle of hell. Well screw you David.