
I have met a seemingly charming goth girl named ranny mortisha. She is beautiful smart and charming. Though she maybe mentally ill well who cares so I am too. But I just ptsd post traumatic stress disorder and autism, she has addiction recovery.... ptsd and schizophrenia, for a hard earned life. Un like me who had great parents, she had hateful vindictive humans dealing with traumatizing her and screwing her up in the head with abuse. She said that she was into pretty much the same hobbies as I and interests except for the recovering addict part....I knew better to say no to drugs and alcohol especially from a teacher nor their advances.

We have been talking for a few weeks and she is still guarded about her tumultuous past. I find her to be a beautiful but morbid mystery. Why do I say morbid because she watches autopsy videos and surgical videos too, she is not a psychopath but just misunderstood beauty with an iq that four points higher than my 196. She like similar to me. But has the hearing of the voices. She is not at all like my first girlfriend who was also named ranny because unlike ranoldie ranny life on the cuff of society, coach hoping or semi homeless. She is mostly me a full blowin russian/Eastern European where I on the other hand have more far flung regions of the earth in my DNA, but I too like her is eastern block. I am happy to have meet this beautiful unique young woman who is no different to my punk but more classier and smart looking. She knows how to rock the double side lip piercings.

I wonder if she can be a the girl girl I am looking for. She like me has learned things in our young lives the hardest way possible.

I tell ranny that I am no different but she is still hiding within plain sight. Though nice I want to get to know my new found girl friend. If she can put up with my bullsh*t then we might make it. She also sucked at dating men and wanted better for her self and want gay. I don't blame her. The only difference is that she writes sad dark erotic poetry, was as I do not.