Yesterday was New Year's Eve and a good way to start the new year is to learn something new and I learned and passed the course for RF radiation awareness and safety training and I was able to be certified I passed with 100% what is very rare for some people. Then I ended up talking to my girlfriend about her and she dared me to do the whmis training Just for the fun of that. And I did that this afternoon along side with gauging my cartilage piercings. The two hours of whmis What is a breeze compared to doing my cartilage earrings, but it's just not as bad as either one so I had three achievements actually the WHMIS and the RF training and I was able to get my cartilage piercings gauged without any problem. I will be looking for signs of infection and case so I have to get the Polysporin out but I think I'm gonna be too worried about that. It was and accomplishment all are zoned to do your own gauging. Let alone your cartilage. I have the certificate for WH and Myers training or replace as there is material training today and I'll be getting the official certification and RF in a few days I am very excited about that I know I'm going to be a tattoo artist but I'm still going to better myself and go and add to my résumé even if some things are not as needed as others. It's always good to learn some thing and it's very good to accomplish something and feel good about yourself even though sometimes you may not need it in the near future. The warmest was a little more challenging than the RF training but I am pretty good at getting there I passed with flying colours again with WHMIS as well. When I went to bed last night I decided I was gonna talk to my girlfriend all night and Shira kids with her at midnight raining in the new year. I actually fell in love that particular moment at midnight last night which was just wonderful. I enjoy talking tour we have some things in common except for she has schizophrenia and I have autism but we both have PTSD and we're both semi homeless. Except for the fact that I live in a group home but I get where she's coming from I am not in my environment or in my element as it should say I should be with my mother. So I know why I am homeless as well As she. But I have learned so many good life lessons through this pandemic and through being in the group home as well then I will be able to apply if I am able to go into an apartment with my mother. I don't know if I'd be able to see Ranny Because of the lockdown and because of the fact that she lives in Oshawa which is near Toronto. So I may never be able to see my true love in person I bet she is beautiful as she is and I am VU and I hope she still loves me in a few years. This is the first actual relationship that I think it's gonna work I've had relationships that didn't work so getting a New Year's Eve kiss at midnight is just as much of an accomplishment as my certifications that I did for fun. Although this one is on I am VU I am still going to remember the kiss as long as I can remember.