More Questions

They had moved all the survivors into the underground chambers, everybody was on high alert, Kieren was standing in the center of the school his power leaking out in anticipation. A loud boom rattled the ceiling, but inside the school there was silence.

There was indeed several members of the Nightmare Walkers waiting outside. They had been awaiting the all-clear signal from Svenn, which was meant to have happened over half an hour ago. Something had gone wrong, they moved into position and prepared to extract Svenn. What the Nightmare Walkers weren't aware of, was Kieren's presence. In the end it had been sheer stubbornness -and his refusal to let a certain girl go alone- that had caused his presence. As the vile group charged they found Ruenen members poised, and the first attacker to meet Kieren didn't live long enough to regret it. An all out battle ensued. But there was no chaos in this clash, after all Lord Zordyk had given specific instructions and they were desperate to show their worth before him. Zen was on the roof watching the attackers and relaying positions. A bow and arrows in hand he was incapacitating Walkers as they fled, he watched an overconfident Kieren destroy three bodies in a barrage of fire. Zet and a few other commanders dispatched attackers with zealous rage. All around the school the Ruenen displaying the full extent of what it meant to wound their own.

It was Kieren's rampage, nonetheless, as he moved through the school, demolishing them effortlessly, that pushed the interim leader hiding in the shadows to call for a retreat. Four Nightmare Walkers in their attempt to flee ran into the worst room possible. The room Violet was currently asleep in.

If it would have been possible to go and ask them of their experience, they would have described the experience as something akin to running into a starving momma bear with cubs in tow. Alex and the twins had charged so viciously they had no time to react. Tom threw the pieces of bodies out of the room and they went back to guard duty. All around them the signs of battle continued, yet the three did not move. The brawl lasted a total of forty-seven minutes, there were some injuries on the Ruenen's side but none were lethal enough to require immediate attention. Violet slept through it all.

When she awoke it was too find Kieren sitting on a chair facing her displeasure ripe in the air. There was nobody else around. Violet rolled over in the bed rubbing a hand on her cheek eyes focused on Kieren. He watched her for several minutes as she blinked back to alacrity stretching out in the bed.

"I'm going to struggle to find answers about today aren't I Violet?"

"You have Svenn-"

"They killed him... Reiner is certain that while we were off fighting them, one managed to sneak past our defenses and kill him while inside Zet's ice crystal. I am not used to being so blatantly lied too."

Displeasure was obvious in his tone. Violet moved away from the bed, there was a sink in the corner, she washed her face, dried it carefully and proceeded to sit on the floor, looking up into Kieren's too attractive face.

"Can you tell me Violet?"

Violet looked into his eyes, "You don't actually want me to tell you. You and I are both aware you've opened a door you have been eyeing warily for some time. You're going to wrench it open and you need to find your answers for this. I wish to remain-"

"Will you at least continue to point me in the right direction."

Violet smiled, "you really only need slight nudges. You have seven members to work on, and a very willing team."

Kieren chuckled, "I'm not surprised you're aware that my team has some questions as well." She held her injured hand up, eyeing the bandages, "I think you're quite adept at getting under people's skin." She winked before she got up, "I'm starving, do you -"

"I brought you food, Alex's going to stay by your side." He moved closer, a hand resting near her waist, "Violet, stay under the radar, that whole healing experience has enough people googling at you like eye candy. It's going to take a while before we can head back and..." Kieren stopped, he was surprised to see that Violet looked... well consternated. She wiped the emotion from her face with a small shrug. "I considered letting them die, I warned you before, I'm not that great."

Kieren brought her into a hug, gentle, and full of meaning. "Thank you Violet, In your shoes I too would have considered letting them die. If you need anything from me just tell Alex, alright?" Violet nodded as he left.

It had been four days since they arrived and Violet had kept her word. She was staying under the radar and pretending that she was still drained from the first day. She hadn't seen much of Kieren, Zen, or the twins. There had been a slew of visitors: parents, educators, directors, Ruenen officials, the list kept growing. Reasons for the attack, as well as accountability, and the rage brought forth from Svenn's betrayal were hot topics. There were council meetings, and contractors already poised to rebuild the school clambering around the halls at every hour of the day. Violet was bored. She had never intended to remain for this long and she too had been subjected to questioning for her immeasurable healing abilities. She had maintained her original stance, it was rare, she had been told by Lord Zordyk to only use it in emergencies, and it was the first time she had succeeded in healing so many people.

Thankfully Alex had remained at her side discouraging many of the insignificant interrogators. They were sitting in the cafeteria eating when the twins arrived with another young man in his late twenties, they were discussing Kieren's speech to the school earlier that morning. "I can't believe I got to meet him! He's larger than life, and rather intimidating if you don't mind me admitting it." The young man seemed very excitable, he realized who Alex was as they took a seat next to them and he burst into another tirade. "Holy Shit, Alex! I'm a fan of your poison skill! Names Niko Brown, I'm a student teacher here." His eyes landed on Violet and they grew wide, hearts could be seen sprouting in every direction. "Oh..." he blushed, "you're the girl, I mean," he grasped Violet's hand who looked only slightly affronted. "You saved my life, you're truly an angel. Thank you, thank you-"

"Hands off Brown!" It was Alex who had spoken, she said it lightly and with a smile but looking severe. Kieren and Zen had entered the room followed by the usual entourage, and Kieren had looked over dislike etched in his otherwise calm face.

"Right," he smiled sheepishly, "sorry, you're beautiful and I'm just..."

Ted smacked him softly, as Violet replied, "thank you" before turning her attention back to Alex who was having trouble hiding her smirk.

The student teacher continued his talk with the twins looking over at Violet 'sneakily' it was very obvious. Suddenly he turned serious, "do you guys think this was connected to the Russia incident. It's scary to think theirs people who really target the Ruenen?"

Alex looked up, "what incident in Russia?" Violet looked over as well, interest piqued. "You guys didn't hear? Four rather important members were murdered, it was gruesome! They haven't discovered anything, no clues, and the fourth member he's still missing. Although they're keeping his identity secret for safety reasons. My aunt is commander Zet," he whispered, "I hear things" Violet looked away as the twins and Alex interrogated Brown, so Harbey was staying in hiding, she fought the urge to scoff. As if that could save him.

After some time Alex led Violet back to her room and excused herself, she had to check in with Kieren. Violet opened the door was surprised to find Zen waiting by a window. They had no spoken since their rift at the school. She shrugged off her sweater and faced him, "alright, shoot."

Zen looked annoyed for a split second, "I have many mixed feelings when it comes to you Violet."