
Madoka's POV

"Let's do this, we win, we can obtain a spot in the playoffs." said Coach

We all nodded and I tightened my shoes and looked at the bleachers where the boys team were sitting but I didn't see Kenji and I was kind of ticked off until I saw him all the way in the back sitting down. Homura waved at me so I waved back but I was more focused on Kenji for some reason, I just wanted him to wave at me for some reason.

Kenji looked at me and slightly waved and I felt like smiling but I resisted myself but I slightly waved back. Good thing Homura didn't see that, he'll get the wrong idea.

Today's game was an away game so we wore the jersey that was mostly white with red letters with white shorts.

After the opening ceremony and the name announcement I took my position in the court and waited for the tip off. But then Ayaka tapped on my shoulder and I looked down at her confused.

"We need to talk later." she whispered

'Now you want to talk?'

I just nodded and she retook her position and the tip off was about to start. The referee tossed the ball up and the game started with us having the ball first.

I moved down the court and immediately the African American girl started to guard me. She was aggressive while guarding me, pushing me out of the paint. So I decided to run around the court to try to lose her then Emiko passed me the ball and I immediately shot a three once I got the ball and it went in.

The African girl looked mad so when she got the ball she drove in recklessly so I let her pass me a bit and went behind her and stole the ball. I ran down the court with the African girl chasing behind me.

'She's going to be able to block it.'

So once I got near to do a layup I faked it and she jumped right past me leaving me wide open and I shot the ball.

The crowd went crazy, when the African girl fell onto the ground out of bounds. I ran back to defensive position as my teammates gave me slight high fives.

"This is going to be an easy win." excitedly said Yuziki


1 hour 30 min later

"Good job girls! 73 to 43 that's a great game!" yelled Coach Yamoto in the locker room

I hit the shower while everyone else was celebrating but then Ayaka came next to me and started to shower as well.

"Are you dating Homura?" she asked

"Yes." I replied

She looked sad but she sighed and looked at me.

"You know what he does right?" asked Ayaka

"What do you mean?" I asked

"How he always choses a girl to fuck." replied Ayaka

"So it's true huh?" I asked

"Who told you?" asked Ayaka

"Kenji." I replied

"I hate to admit but Kenji's not a liar." she replied

'What am going to do now?'

"You knew, how come you stayed with him?" I asked

"I didn't know till a few days ago when my friend told me." she replied, "If he lays his eyes on anyone who's a lot more beautiful than you, you're in for it."

"Why are you telling me this? Wouldn't it be better for you to make me deal with it?" I asked

"That's because I didn't listen to what his old ex told me when I dated him." she replied

"I see." I replied

'Maybe I should just break up with him. But that'll be awkward throughout his remaining time as a senior.'

"What should I do?" I asked

"It may sound like I'm trying to get back with him but I'm not, so break up with him. Actually don't, he'll continue chasing you and it'll be really annoying." she replied, "Break up with him when he graduates."

'Maybe I should ask Kenji. Wait why him? He never dated someone. I'll just give it a try.'

I just continued showering not giving a damn in the world about shit anymore and headed out after getting changed.

Outside the school was the boys team waiting but Kenji wasn't there so I felt a bit bummed and bit mad at him for leaving so soon.

'Why did you come if you're going to leave?'

But then I saw Kenji sitting on a bench a few meters away from the boys. The boys didn't notice me so I ran back and took a different route and snuck behind Kenji. I tapped Kenji's shoulder and when he turned his eyes widened but before he could say anything I grabbed his arm and ran off towards the bus station.

"Where are we going? You left your-"

"Shut up, you and I need to talk." I said

I dragged Kenji to the furthest bus station where no one goes.

"The team might find us here." said Kenji

And now we were walking on some dirt road back home. It'll take us two hours since we're going round the cities to get back to the university.

"What did you want to talk about?" asked Kenji

I sighed and looked up at the dark starry night.

"You were right, Homura does fuck other girls." I said

"Who did you decide to trust?" asked Kenji

"It's not that I didn't trust you, I didn't want to believe that it was true." I lied

"Okay but who told you?" asked Kenji

"Ayaka." I replied

"She finally decided to talk to you?" asked Kenji

I nodded so he just scratched the back of his head. My phone started ringing and it was from Homura so I picked up.

"Where are you?" asked Homura

"Somewhere, a friend of mine lives near here so I'm going to go over there." I replied

"Oh where does your friend live?" he asked

'What the fuck?'

"Uhh somewhere, I'm not going to disclose her information without her permission." I replied

"Okay I understand, is Kenji there?" he asked

"No." I lied, "Why would he be here, he didn't even come to the game."

"Oh he did, did you not notice him? I mean no one does, anyways I'll see you back at the university then." he said

He ended the call and Kenji looked worried.

"You really shouldn't be hanging out with me." he mumbled

"I only wanted to ask a question." I replied

"You could have asked the question later." he replied

"Oi." I snapped while grabbing his collar, "Be grateful."

"Sorry sorry." he apologized

I sighed and let him go so we continued walking.

"I have a question." said Kenji

"What?" I asked

"What are you going to do?" he asked, "About Homura?"

"I don't know, what should I do?" I asked

I stopped walking and looked at him. He looked at me and away for a few seconds before looking up at the stars.

"Break up with him." he replied

"Ayaka told me not to since he'll chase me around." I said

"But what if you catch him-"

He stops midway from talking and looks at his hands.

"You good?" I asked

"Yea yea, sorry but what if he cheats on you?" he asked

"Wouldn't that give me a bigger reason to break up with him?" I asked, "That'll kind of benefit me."

Kenji looked a bit disturbed but he nodded.

"If you really love him then you could stay by his side but if anything happens just end it there." he said

"I'll see about that." I replied

We continued walking but then my stomach growled and I realized I was hungry.

"Oh you didn't eat." said Kenji

I nodded so Kenji pulled out his phone and then he started to lead me somewhere until we got to this small restaurant.

"Do you have money? I didn't bring my wallet, I'll pay you back." I said

"Oh yea, I did but you don't have to. It's fine." he replied

We entered the restaurant and it was pretty small, about the size of a room with plastic desks and plastic chairs.

"Welcome, would it just be the two of you?" asked an old granny

"Yes." replied Kenji

She led us to a desk and gave us some warm tea and the menus. It was mostly a ramen place so Kenji and I just ordered a miso ramen.

"I didn't think I'd be eating with you." I sighed

"Sorry, I know it's the last thing you probably wished for." he said

"That's not what I meant, it's just surprising how we got to this point." I replied

Kenji looked surprised but he just nodded and for the first time, I saw him genuinely smile a bit. He looked so much better smiling that I ended up staring at him for a few seconds before snapping back to reality.

'What's wrong with me?'

The ramen came and I began eating it after giving thanks. Kenji was such a clean eater, I don't know if it's because he's with me but he eats a lot more well mannered than me, he uses the spoon and chopsticks and puts the noodles on the spoon and then eats it. He doesn't make those slurping noises I make whenever I eat and I find it quite amusing.

"Oh congrats on your win, you've done better than last time." he said

"Thanks." I simply replied

But then a question hit my head.

"When did you move to Kanazawa?" I asked

He stopped eating and looked at me with wide eyes.

"How did you know I live there?" he asked

"I saw you, I was leaving the court and we passed by each other." I replied

He seemed surprised and tried to recap what happened.

"Were you the girl with the small kid?" he asked

"Kikotei? Yea." I replied

He seemed to finally recognize me and he just rubbed his eyes.

"Oh sorry, but I moved there a week before you saw me." he said

"Why?" I asked

"Reasons." he replied

I decided not to dig into his life so I just kept eating until we finished and he paid. Once we left we saw a bus coming so we got on board and we were the only ones on the bus.

I sat down and Kenji sat down in a seat away from me which actually made me feel comfortable and respected.

"Sorry I dragged you to walk with me." I said

"No, don't worry about it." he replied

"Oh by the way, what happened to your back?" I asked

Kenji fidgeted his fingers in awkwardness and looked at me.

"I injured my back not too long ago but I didn't tell Coach until the day I requested a leave." he replied

I nodded in acknowledgement and I realized I didn't get his number so I pulled out my phone and handed it to him.

"Add your number." I said

He looked at my phone with hesitation.

"Wouldn't Homura-"

"Forget about him, I'll just rename you." I said

He nodded and took my phone and added it then called himself so he saved my number.

"Thanks." he said

"Why are you thanking me?" I asked

He shrugged and just scratched his cheek with a finger.

"Cause you're kind of my friend, I don't know what you consider me but it's nice to have someone around." he said

I felt myself wanting to just look away in embarrassment but I just forced it into a smile.

"Don't worry, I was wrong about you." I replied, "And yes I consider you a friend, don't worry."

He smiled a second time and I smiled back at him.

'Maybe, maybe I can have him in my life for a long time.'

We kept talking throughout the bus ride until we got off a mile away from the university. We had to go separate ways when we got near the university so no one finds anything suspicious when we enter the school together.

I got to my dorm and showered but while in the shower I thought about the way I treated Kenji. Kenji's a good guy, I only mistreated him because of his lack of skill in basketball, nothing else.

I started to feel a wave of guilt flood into me so I started thinking of a way to apologize to him.

'I'll start treating you the way I should have been treating you from the start.'