
Madoka's POV

I looked out the window out into the dark night as the train sped through the tracks. I watched as Kenji was taking a nap and I looked at the bag I had next to me. I bought Homura something but it was just a pretty expensive hoodie, one from a brand called Supreme. I sighed and pulled out my phone and checked the time and rubbed my eyes.

No one was on the train except for us so it was fine if I just sat next to Kenji and slept with him. But then thoughts of Homura came into my mind and I thought about it.

'Do I really love him?'

I sighed and rubbed my eyes a bit and sat next to Kenji who was sleeping peacefully. I looked over to Kenji and he looked pretty cute while sleeping but I saw that he had AirPods in his ears so I took one out and listened to the music with him.

'He likes very calm, peaceful music.'

I closed my eyes to sleep but I kept opening them because the train was too loud and I wasn't feeling tired. I looked over to Kenji and I just continued watching him as he breathed in and out. But then I looked at his lips and they looked so soft, for some reason my heart started thumping faster and I slowly began to lean in towards his lips.

I began to sweat a bit and the environment around us began to feel heavy as I slowly closed my eyes and began to lean in. But once I was about a centimeter away from kissing him I heard laughter so I quickly sat back down and looked down the aisle to see a group of men making their way towards us. I quickly hid my face and they just walked right past us and I sighed in relief.

I looked back at Kenji and he moved around a bit but I was too focused on his lips. I took a deep breath and leaned in again towards Kenji's face and slowly put my hand on his soft smooth, cheeks and closed my eyes.


My eyes shot open and I stared into Kenji's wide eyes. I shrieked and slapped his cheek and moved back to my seat.

"What the fuck?" I panted

Kenji rubbed the side of his cheek.

"Why did you just try to kiss me right now?" asked Kenji

"Shut up, you'll never talk about what happened ever." I snapped as I looked back out the window, "Forget it happened."

"Oh okay." replied Kenji

My eyes widened as he closed his eyes again.

'That easy?'

"I must have saw it wrong." said Kenji, "Sorry I've been dreaming weird things."

'This kid...'

For the next 2 hours I've tried to come up with ways to make this less awkward for the both of us but it was hard. The ride felt long and dreadful and I didn't know what to do with myself, I nearly cheated on Homura.

'Should I just forget that it happened? Yea that's that best option.'


3 hours later

Madoka's POV

"You only eat granola bars for breakfast?" I questioned

"Yea, other than that I usually get a stomach ache." replied Kenji

I bought a sandwich and watched as Kenji ate his granola bar, he's not acting any different and it makes me wonder if he actually hasn't seen what happened.

'No he definitely saw it, he even said my name. There's now way he didn't see it.'

I sighed and began eating my sandwich as we walked towards our school.

"Why are you bringing your guitar?" I asked

"Oh Coach wanted to do a fire thing so he wanted someone to play some nice music and he asked me to do it." replied Kenji

"I see." I replied

"Oh by the way did you bring some shoes you don't really care about?" asked Kenji

"Yea, I brought some hiking shoes." I replied, "You?"

"I don't have any so I just brought my old Air Force ones." he replied

'Why does the conversation feel so awkward?'

"Oh by the way who are you going to sit next to?" I asked trying not to make this awkward

"I don't know, whoever wants to." replied Kenji

"It's obviously going to be Emiko or Yuziki." I replied

"Yea I know, but I don't want them arguing." said Kenji

"I know you don't." I replied

'This is so awkward.'

We got to the campus and everyone was waiting outside the front gate, we were the last ones so everyone saw us walking side by side.

"Kenji kun!" yelled Emiko

She ran and hugged Kenji catching him off guard.

"I missed you the past three days." she said

"Ohhh yeah me too." replied Kenji

"Kenji kun let's sit together." said Yuziki as she hugged one of Kenji's arms

"I uhhh-"

"Sit with me Kenji kun." pleaded Emiko as she hugged his other arm

Kenji seemed really awkward but then Coach came out of nowhere.

"Oh Madoka Kenji you're here, everyone's here then." said Coach Yamoto, "Everyone get on the bus, it's a four hour drive there."

I looked and saw a tour bus, a fancy neat one.

"Hey Madoka."

I turned around and it was Homura senpai.

"Oh hey senpai, I got you something." I said

I handed him a hoodie and he smiled.

"Thanks it means a lot." he replied

He put the bag away and I slowly started to get confused.

'Where's my present?'

"Oh right your present." said Homura

He pulled out something from his pocket and my facial expression dropped when I realized it was a box of condoms.

"Now we can be careless." he said while smiling

'This bastard.'

"Yea that's nice." I lied

"Everyone on board." said Coach Yamoto

My mood dropped but Homura made it worse by slapping my butt before putting his arm around me and walking into the bus. We took a seat in the back and Kenji sat somewhere in the middle. The worst shit was that no one was sitting near us leaving Homura to do shit to me.

"We haven't done it in a long time." whispered Homura

"That's because I was busy." I replied

"Busy doing what?" he asked, "Hanging out with that bastard Kenji?"

"Look if you have a problem with that just tell me." I snapped

"Why are you getting so sassy?" he asked

'This guy...'

"You know what never mind, we're in public." I said


4 hours later

Someone began to shake me awake so I opened my eyes and saw Kenji.

"Kenji?" I questioned

"Did Homura just leave you here?" he asked

I looked to my right and saw that Homura wasn't there.

"He went to use the bathroom." said Kenji

"We're not there?" I asked

"No we are, but I think Homura really had to go." said Kenji

I looked around and no one was in the bus.

"We came a bit early and it's not time to check in so those who needed to use the bathroom could use it." said Kenji, "Which is everyone."

I looked around and saw that no one was in here with us.

"Oh let me use the bathroom." I said

I tried standing up but my legs began buckling and I fell onto Kenji but he caught.

"Whoa whoa you okay?" he asked

"Yea I'm fine sorry." I replied

I stood back up and walked off the bus and saw a giant cabin with Mount Kita behind it.

"Where's the bathroom?" I asked

Kenji pointed towards the woods and I groaned realizing that I had to pee out in the woods.

"I think I'll wait." I sighed

"The cabin isn't opening until an hour." said Kenji

"Dammit." I groaned, "Fine."

I was about to go but Kenji didn't follow.

"You already used the bathroom?" I asked

"Oh no I'm just for the others to come back so I can go alone." he replied, "Privacy reason."

"Oh okay I'll be back." I said

I walked through the woods and found a good spot so I pulled down my pants to reveal stained underwear.

I groaned and quickly did my business but once I finished I felt a tap on my shoulder and when I turned around Homura was standing there.

"Let's do it here." he whispered

And there we did it again, out in the woods.

"You go on first, if we come back together it might look suspicious." said Homura

I nodded and I cleaned myself up and quickly walked away but my legs were shaking and my womb felt funny. I had to support myself by using the trees but then I tripped on a root and fell forward but suddenly I fell onto someone's back.

"You're not feeling good." I heard a voice

I looked and saw that it was Kenji.

"Sorry." I whispered, "Just tired."

"Let me help you." said Kenji

I nodded and Kenji gave me a piggy back ride back towards the cabin.

"Did you do your business?" I asked

"No not yet." he replied

"You should go do it." I whispered

"I don't need to go." replied Kenji, "And like uhh you should be more quiet if you're going to do it again."

My cheeks turned hot red and I smacked Kenji's cheeks with both of my hands.

"Don't you dare tell anyone about it." I snapped

"There's no point everyone heard." replied Kenji

I groaned and just rested my head on Kenji's shoulder.

"Don't worry they don't know it's you." replied Kenji, "They thought it was some other girl."

"That's good." I whispered