
Madoka's POV

So many fucking sports to play. We got second in volleyball, fourth in swimming, second in soccer, first in basketball, third in football and I forgot the rest.

I flopped onto my bed and scrolled through my phone and that's when I got a message from Kenji that I was clear to come over. I quickly grabbed my stuff and headed over to Kenji's dorm.

"Why isn't she here?" I asked Kenji when I got there

"She's at practice, getting ready for her debut." replied Kenji

I nodded and sat on a zaisu and took out my homework and began working on it while Kenji was busy strumming his guitar.

But then I heard some kind of noise coming from somewhere. I stopped Kenji from playing the guitar and he seemed confused but after a few seconds he seemed to hear it too.

"What is that noise...?" I asked

Kenji seemed a bit surprised and in shock.

"Those sound like... moans." said Kenji

I got up and walked over to Kenji's door and the moans got a lot more distinct.

"It's coming from Homura's room." I said

Kenji seemed surprised and I balled my hands into his fists in anger.

"He's cheating on me?" I growled

"Madoka... calm down. You were going to break up with him either way. Let it be." said Kenji

"Yes you're right." I sighed, releasing all of my anger, "Let's just forget about it."


4 days later

Kenji's POV

I put the last box on the shelf and wiped my sweat off my forehead.

"Kenji, you're good for today! Thanks for the help!" yelled the music teacher

"Okay, see you tomorrow sensei." I replied

I grabbed my stuff and left the room but then I bumped into a girl.

"My bad." I apologized

"Wait you're Kenji right?" asked the girl

I looked at her and she was wearing a button down shirt, a short skirt, converse and had some kind of ribbon on her wrist. I couldn't tell if she was a teacher or a student because she looks mature but seemed to have some baby fat in her cheeks. She has blue eyes, black hair and is about 155 cm tall. Her body structure was very... big for her height. Her breasts were big, her thighs were pretty chubby. She was pretty but I could care less about who she was.

"Yes." I replied

"By any chance can we be friends?" asked the girl

"I uhh-"

"Please...?" asked the girl

She began to make this pouty face but I just stood there.

"Sure." I replied

"Thank you so much! Here's my number." she said as she handed me a post it

"Wait, why are you thanking me?" I asked

But she was already gone.

"I didn't even get her name." I sighed

I began walking through the hallways towards the cafe I work at. I left the school campus and walked down a few blocks and got to the cafe.

"Oh Kenji you're a bit early." said my manager

"I guess." I replied

"I'm heading off so you'll be here by yourself." said my manager, "Oh wait actually, there will be a new worker here in a few minutes. Teach her the basics."

I went into the employees room and got changed into a white shirt, I was allowed to wear jeans, and a hat. I left the room and went to the cashier and began to wait for customers. We don't really get customers at this time so I'm usually just on my phone.

About a few minutes later the door to the cafe opened and this girl walks in. I looked up and saw this girl, about the same height as the girl I bumped into the hallway. She was wearing a face mask and a hat. She also had large breasts and her butt and thighs were also big.

'Why is every girl like Madoka? I thought Aiko and Madoka were the only ones like that.'

"Uhh excuse me." whispered the girl, "My name is Akari Kito and I'm the new worker here."

"Oh hi." I greeted, "Names Kenji Nakamaru."

"Oh I'm working with the famous Kenji." excitedly said the girl

"I uhh guess." I replied

She seemed to smile and she went back into the employees room to change. She came out with her apron and hat on.

"Please teach me senpai." she said as she slightly leaned in, making me a bit uneasy.

"Yea uh sure." I said

I began teaching her the basics of the coffee machine, blender and the sandwiches.

"Why can't we just display the sandwiches out in the front so that they could choose?" asked Akari

"I don't know." I replied

She kept looking at me as I taught her and I caught her several times looking at my eyes.

"Got that?" I asked

"Can you repeat it for me, senpai?" she asked, "I'm kind of lost."

"Yea I'm fine with that." I said

I began to repeat everything I said and she nodded as she was listening and looking at me.

"Got that?" I asked

"I got everything senpai taught me. You're such a good teacher." she said

"Oh yeah uhh thanks." I replied

The first customer came and I quickly went over to the cashier.

"Can I get a black coffee?" asked the man

"What size?" I asked

"Medium please." said the man

"That'll be 500 yen." I said as I pressed a bunch of buttons on the cash register.

He handed me the exact amount and I quickly made him a medium coffee as Akari watched me.

"Here. Have a good day." I said

"Thank you." said the man

He left and Akari leaned in on me.

"You're a fast worker." said Akari

"You'll get used to it." I said

"By any chance are you single?" asked Akari

"Huh?" I questioned

"Are you single? Or are you single but you're interested in someone?" asked Akari

"I uhh... I'm single." I replied

She held out her hand towards me and I was confused.

"Phone." she said

I unlocked my phone and handed it to her and she began typing something.

"This is my number. Text me when you're alone." she said as she winked


"Yea uh sure." I said

"Oh are you a virgin?" she asked

I looked at her with slightly wide eyes.

"Uhh no..." I hesitantly said

"To be expected. You're pretty famous of course someone would want to fuck you." said Akari

She then looked at me and winked.

"And I'm one of those girls." she said


I was speechless. I didn't know what to say since I don't really find enjoyment in sex ever since... ever since I was first raped.

"Are you interested in being in our sex group?" she asked

"I'll pass. I'm not into that." I said

"Oh man... then let me know when you change your mind." she said

'I wish I could change my shift.'

I just nodded and she smiled.

"Are you a freshman?" I asked

"Yes I am." she replied

"Shouldn't you be in class?" I asked

"Nope. I finished most of my college credits in high school so I don't have that many classes." she replied

"How long are you working for?" I asked

"2 and a half hours." she replied, "I have class at 2."

I looked at my watch and saw that it was still 11.


Madoka's POV

I yawned and spun my pen around as I listened to the professor talk about our history.

"And that's when the age of samurai ended." said the professor, "We'll have a test at the end of this week."

Everyone groaned and I just rolled my eyes.

"That'll be it for today." said the professor

The bell rang right after that so I got up and left. I had a free period for about an hour and a half.

'Maybe I'll visit Kenji.'

I left the campus and began walking around looking for the closest cafe. I opened up my phone and searched up the closest cafe. I began to follow the directions on my phone and about 5 minutes later I got to this cafe.

I entered it and Kenji was standing in front of the register with a hat. He looked up and his eyes slightly widened when he saw me.

"Hey you busy?" I asked

"Well you're my second customer." said Kenji

"Senpai, who's that?"

I looked over and saw this girl wearing the same uniform as Kenji but she had a mask on.

"Oh my it's Madoka." awed the girl

"Is she your co-worker?" I asked Kenji

Kenji nodded but he looked dreadful. I looked at the girl and she was big, she had big breasts, a nice butt and some thick thighs.

"Oh I'll get a medium lemonade." I said

"That'll be 100 yen." said Kenji

I raised an eyebrow.

"It says that it costs 400 yen." I said

"Discount." replied Kenji

I smiled and he smiled back as I handed him 100 yen.

"Give me a minute." said Kenji, "Akari follow me."

Kenji began making my lemonade while teaching the girl who's name was Akari according to Kenji.

"Senpai, you're too fast. I can't catch up." complained Akari but in a very cute way.

The way she said it almost sounded like she was trying to flirt with him.

"Here." said Kenji as he handed me my lemonade

"Thanks. When do you get off work?" I asked

"Right before practice." replied Kenji, "Your game is tomorrow but I heard that the team sucks."

"Yea, literal dogshit." I replied

"If we keep winning we'll be in state finals. Then the next month we'll be in the playoffs for country." said Kenji

"Yea I hope we win." I said

He nodded.

"When's your next class?" asked Kenji

"In an hour." I replied

"I don't remember you having a break." said Kenji as he rubbed his neck

"I don't." I said, "Class was canceled today."

"Okay so I wasn't wrong." said Kenji, "I thought I was losing my memory."

"Shut up, you're too smart." I said

"Kind of but not really." replied Kenji

"Senpai can you help me with this?" asked Akari

He went over and I watched as he began to teach Akari but I nearly spit out my lemonade when Akari pat Kenji's butt. The worst part was that Kenji didn't do anything; he just nodded and came back to me.

"Are you okay?" asked Kenji

"No. Are you okay?" I asked

"Yea I'm fine why? What's wrong?" asked Kenji

"You just let her touch your butt." I whispered

Kenji seemed confused.

"I thought that was just a sign friends do." said Kenji

I gave him the you're stupid look and he seemed confused.

"No. You two just met, haven't you?" I asked

"Yea." replied Kenji

"Is she being weird?" I asked

Kenji nodded and I sighed.

"You suck with girls." I said

"I know but I don't know what not to do." said Kenji

"Just don't let a girl hit you up so easily." I said

"I mean I thought I did properly." said Kenji, "She asked me if I wanted to be part of her sex group."

"What...?" I asked dumbfounded

"I said no." said Kenji

"Good. I swear, if you said yes then you must have been out of your mind." I said

"Oh. I see." said Kenji, "I'll be more aware of that."

"Good." I sighed

"Senpai I got it." said Akari

"Oh that's uhh nice." replied Kenji

"Madoka chan how about you work with us?" asked Akair

'Please shut up.'

"Can't. Today I got lucky since class was canceled." I simply replied

"Oh that's sad." said Akair

I saw Kenji seem a bit uncomfortable as Akari pressed herself against Kenji's arm.

"Oh I have a test tomorrow for history. I'm going to stop by for help." said Madoka

"Oh uhh let me ask Aiko." said Kenji, "I'll let you know as soon as possible."

"Okay." I replied

After talking for another 45 minutes before I left to get back to school. Akari seemed to be a very quiet girl but for some reason I was getting bad vibes from her. Something about her wasn't right, it just didn't sit well with me.

'Whatever, Kenji can hold himself. Plus there's Aiko who he has to worry about as well.'