Friendly Date

Madoka's POV

"So... you're going to be eating dinner with her?" I asked

"Yea I promised her." sighed Kenji

My heart ached a bit in some weird way making me feel a bit uncomfortable with that idea.

"Why?" I asked

Kenji shrugged.

"I don't really know. She seems to want some kind of company." explained Kenji

I sighed and put down my chopsticks.

"Kenji, you're a lowkey celebrity." I said

Kenji gave me blank eyes and tilted his head.

"You dumbass..." I groaned

"Sorry. Can you elaborate?" asked Kenji

"People are going to see you hang out with another girl. People are already questioning whether or not you're either dating Aiko or me." I explained in a passive aggressive tone.

"Oh..." whispered Kenji as he finally understood

"If people continue to see you out with other girls then they're going to start spreading rumors and shit that might affect your career." I said

"Right..." said Kenji

Even though Kenji understood it didn't seem to faze him.

"Why don't you seem disturbed?" I asked

"Oh sorry I just..." sighed Kenji as he looked out the window, "I'm just so used to... being bullied by everyone. Even those I don't know."

I bit my lips, remembering when Kenji told me about his past earlier today.

"Sorry... but I don't want that to continue for you." I said

"It's fine. I'll just wear a mask." said Kenji

For some reason, I still hated the idea but it didn't feel like it was because of Kenji's past.

"What did Aiko say about that?" I asked

"She said I had a choice." replied Kenji, "If I go I get a beating but-"

I slammed my chopsticks on the table, scaring everyone in the restaurant.

"Are you serious? So you're willing to..."

I stopped talking as I noticed everyone's eyes on me. I slightly bowed my head in apology and everyone began to mind their own business.

"You're willing to get beat up just so you can meet up with a girl?" I asked

"I have to. One way or the other one of us is going to get hurt." said Kenji

I sighed and groaned.

"Kenji... why are you living a life like this?" I questioned

Kenji stayed silent.

"You can live a different life. Plan your future, do things you want to do." I said

Kenji looked at me out the window.

"I don't plan that far ahead in the future." replied Kenji

I sighed.

"Neither do I." I replied

We sat there in silence for a few seconds.

"Madoka." called out Kenji

I looked up and made eye contact with him.

"I'll be okay." he said while cracking a small smile.

I looked at him with confusion before scoffing in disbelief.

"You are a dumbass." I said while smiling

Kenji chuckled a bit and we continued eating again.


The next day

Madoka's POV

"I'll see you later. Don't do anything stupid." I said

Kenji nodded as he put on a black mask with a black hat.

"It's kind of cold today." said Kenji

He wrapped himself with his bubble black North Face jacket.

"Yea it is." I sighed

Kenji stopped walking in front of the school gate.

"I told her to meet me here." said Kenji

"Okay. I'll go on first." I said

"Okay, later." said Kenji

"Later." I replied as I fist bumped him

I left and headed back towards my dorm room but as I was heading there I saw Aiko coming from the opposite way. She looked up at me and I looked like she was coming back from practice.

"Did you see Kenji?" asked Aiko

"Yea." I replied

"Where is he?" asked Aiko

Remembering what Kenji told me yesterday, I came up with a lie.

"He's out, said he had a doctor's appointment." I lied

Aiko raised an eyebrow.

"Doctor's appointment huh?" questioned Aiko

Aiko pulled out her phone and began tapping on the screen before putting her phone next to her ear.

'Oh shit...'

"Oi Kenji where are you?" asked Aiko through the phone

She stayed silent before sighing.

"At a doctor's appointment... okay." she said before ending the call

She lowered her phone and looked at me.

"What are you staring at?" she snapped

I suddenly got pissed off by that.

"Bitch." she said before leaving

I stood there and scoffed in disbelief.

'Why that little...'

Kenji's POV


I turned and looked to see Akari. She was wearing a tan trench coat, a black shirt, blue jeans and black heeled boots.

'Isn't she cold?'

"Hey Senpai you're looking good today." said Akari

"Oh uhh thanks..." I awkwardly replied

"Is it okay for my friend Rikka to join us?" asked Akari

"Huh? Rikka was joining-"

"Kenji kun! Akari!"

'Oh no.'

I looked over and saw Rikka wearing a thick brown fluffy coat with a crop top that showed her belly button. Her crop top was so tight you could see the shape of her breasts. She was also wearing blue jeans with black heeled boots.

"...Oh hey." I awkwardly greeted

"Kenji kun, do you want me to call me Senpai or Kenji kun?" asked Rikka

"Uhh I really don't-"

"Rikka he's my senpai." said Akari as she hugs one of my arms

"Come one Akari, best friends share everything." said Rikka as she hugged my other arm.

"That's right. Let's share him." said Akari

I stood there in complete confusion.

"Uhh, do you know where you want to eat?" I asked

"Yea, we know this really good place but it's hidden so new people don't notice it." said Akari

"Right..." I whispered

"Let's go Senpai." said Rikka

They both led me through the streets while each of them held onto my arm.

"Senpai, why are you wearing a mask? I can hardly see your face." said Akari

"Oh uhh well... I don't want people to see me and know who I am." I replied, "I don't like to get overwhelmed with people."

"Ohh... we should do our other plan then Akari." said Rikka

"Other plans?" I questioned

"Nothing Senpai. Don't worry about it." said Akari

"Oh... okay." I replied

We turned the corner and entered this narrow path. After walking for about a minute we got to this door. I looked up and saw a sign that was lit up.

'A sushi bar...?'

We went in and climbed up a flight of stairs. When we got to the top there was another door.

"Wait here Senpai, we'll be right back." said Akari

The two girls entered the door leaving me in the dark hallway with just one door.

'This place feels a bit... gloomy.'

After about a few seconds Akari opened the door for me.

"Come on in Senpai." she said

I entered and saw that the restaurant was basically empty.

"We got our own private room." said Akari

She led me through the restaurant until we got to a shoji. She opened it and Rikka was sitting there on a zaisu with her coat off.

"We were able to get a private spot for you Senpai." said Rikka

"Oh thanks." I said

Akari took off her coat and shoes before stepping inside. I did the same and took a seat but suddenly, Rikka sat on my left while Akari sat on my right.

"Senpai should we order?" asked Rikka

"Oh uhh yeah. I'm fine with anything." I replied

'Is anyone even here?'

"I'll go order, you keep Senpai company." said Akari

Akari left, leaving just me and Rikka alone.

"Senpai I have a question." said Rikka

I nodded and suddenly she leaned in next to my ear.

"Are you interested in Madoka chan?" she whispered

My chest started to heat up and my breaths began to increase in speed.

"N-no... I'm not." I responded as calm as possible

"Oh, does that mean... she won't care if I do something to you?" asked Rikka

She leans in a bit and I could feel her boobs pressing against my chest.

"Uhh I don't... really know." I replied as I felt myself sweat

That's when Rikka started to laugh.

"Oh Senpai, you're so easy to tease." chuckled Rikka

'Was she playing around or was she being serious?'

That's when Akari came in.

"The food's going to come in 15 minutes." said Akari

"Akari, Senpai is really easy to tease." said Rikka

"Oh I know, I told you about it." replied Akari

"I didn't believe it." chuckled Rikka

Akari took a seat next to me and leaned in.

"Senpai, when did you start playing basketball?" asked Akari

"When I was a kid." I replied

"What inspired you to?" asked Rikka

"Well... I picked up a basketball when I was a kid and shot it. It went in and the people around me said that I should be a basketball player." I explained

"You must have had a great childhood." said Rikka

When she said that I hung my head and remembered every dreadful moment in my childhood.

"Yea... it was..." I lied

"Your face says otherwise Senpai." said Rikka

"Ohhh I just remembered something I did a long time ago." I replied

"What exactly Senpai?" asked Akari

"Oh... just the time I won basketball finals last year." I lied

In reality, I was thinking about the time I first met Aiko. The time where she tripped over a branch, the time I tried to help her, the time where everything went to hell.

There was a knock on the door and a waiter who looks like he's in high school, opened the door and came in with trays of food.

"Food's here." said the waiter

He set down the food on the table and we began eating.

"Senpai, how do you know Aiko chan? You seem to know a lot of famous people." said Rikka

I stopped eating and thought of a lie.

"Oh uhh... she's someone who's... more of a sister." I lied, "Like... she's the more overprotective type of sister."

"Oh Senpai... I think Aiko chan has a crush on you." giggled Rikka

"No... she's not the type of person who's into people like me." I replied, "She's more into guys who can... fight."

"Oh I see... but you never know Senpai." said Akari, "After all... we both want you."

Both of them looked at me but this time they were biting their lower lips in a very seducing way.

"Oh uhh... thanks...?" I awkwardly replied

"Do you think we're joking Senpai?" asked Rikka

They both leaned in.

"Cause we're serious. Senpai." whispered Akari

I slightly leaned back as I was slightly uncomfortable.

"Uhh... are you two serious?" I asked

"Shall we prove our sincerity?" asked Rikka

"Cause we can Senpai." added Akari

"I uhh I don't really think that's a good idea." I stuttered

"Why not Senpai? First you don't join our sex group, now you don't want us to show you how much we like you?" questioned Rikka

"That's a bit mean... Senpai..." whispered Akari

She leaned into my ear and I could feel her breath against my ear. I felt my entire body melt from the amount of heat I was experiencing.

"Don't stop us Senpai..." said Rikka

She began to caress my body and I shut my eyes when suddenly the doors slid open.

"What the fuck do you two think you're doing?" I heard a familiar voice I wish I didn't hear.

My eyes shot open and I saw Aiko standing there looking pissed.


She grabs the collar of my jacket and with one strong pull, drags me out of the restaurant.

"W-wait... Aiko chan-"

She stopped walking and turned around. Her eyes were filled with anger and hatred that I shut up just by looking into her eyes.

"Shut up. You have no explanation to give me." she said

She continues walking.

"If I hear you talk you're going to fucking get it." growled Aiko

She drags me back into campus and into my dormitory building. She made her way towards my dorm and shoved me inside.

I fell to the floor but before I could even get up Aiko was already on me, beating the living soul out of me.

"Did you forget that our phones share locations?" growled Aiko

She grabs my hair and knees the side of my jaw making me black out for a few seconds.

"This is how you fucking repay my kindness?" she growled

I coughed and gasped for air as she stomped on my stomach.

"You really fucked up today." said Aiko

She let go of me and I collapsed onto the floor, my blood splattered across the floor in certain areas. It was hard for me to breathe so I tried to stand up but Aiko came up behind me and put me into her deadly headlock.

I gasped and struggled to breathe for air, blood shooting up into my head. I tried to pull Aiko's arms apart but her grip was too strong.

"Look how pathetic you are." said Aiko

I looked at myself through the mirror.

"From now on... you and Madoka are off limits." said Aiko, "And I don't want to hear anything from you."

I was slowly becoming light headed and my grip was getting weaker.

"Oh, looks like someone's about to pass out." said Aiko

She let go of me and I gasped for air and started coughing.

"Is that understood?" asked Aiko

I wiped my tears off my cheeks and looked up at her.

"Please... Senpai... let me explain." I cried

She scoffed and kicked my face.

"I have let you explain multiple times." she growled, "And looked where it led me."

I shook my head.

"This was my first... first time hanging out with-"

Aiko slowly approached me so I shut up and squeezed my eyes shut.

"Listen here you fucking brat, you and Madoka can no longer be friends or I send that picture out into the public." said Aiko

I began sobbing and clenched my fists.

"No... no please..." I begged Aiko

"3." counted down Aiko

"No no please Senpai I swear I'll-"


"Oh god please I-"


"Okay! Okay!" I yelled in sadness, "Just send the picture out!"

Aiko looked at me then lowered her phone.

"No. That's too easy." said Aiko

She grabs my jaw and forces me to look up at her.

"This school will learn who you truly belong to." said Aiko