The Man Who - Started It All

I've been awake for the last 2 hours, but getting up is the last thing on my mind.  In fact, the bed has been whispering  sexy things to me and putting ideas in my head. She and I could become one if I played my cards right.

Getting up anyways, I start my routine for the day, My names Finn, last name none of your business and not just because I don't remember it. I do... Sometimes.

Anyway, I live in a cute little shack by the sea, too lazy to build an actual house you see.  Each day, except Sundays and Saturdays and Mondays and you get the idea, I hurry down to Luteny, a small town by the sea and run errands.

First, I save Mr Atili from the tete weeds that grow on his lawn, they are evil little buggers that like to touch people in the wrongest places imaginable and I swear they have it out for me. Why anyone would even want such things in their yard is beyond me but I trim them for him every morning or when I can.

Moving on, the sweet Mrs Benny needs help crossing the road, and shopping, and sitting and moving and eating and whatever else her evil mind comes up with that she can't do because I'm around to help.

After each chore, she'd crook a finger at me, pat my head and say, " You're a good boy Finn, I don't know what I'd do without you."

I'd find an excuse to leave and then take care of my own errands before heading home to freshen up and start working.

I've been doing this for a long time, almost 500 years I think, I like this planet, Lilene.

Every 20 to 30 years, I'd change my looks and shift towns. Meeting new people and just enjoying this carefree life I've chosen to live. 

I know nothing lasts forever and that I'm living on borrowed time, but I will enjoy it while it lasts. I'm thinking of moving to the capital  Lune, its been a long time since I last saw the reigning royal, I figure its time to pay Queen Lilian of Lilene the 5th a visit.