Cliche *Title hidden* Message

Sitting down alone after hearing the news of Jason's death, Jasper pulls out Bruce's secret stash of Alcohol (A/N: Let's just pretend that Ghouls can drink Alcohol😅)

Bruce had come Back with the kid they had met last time, Tim Drake, He had found him close by to the explosion of Jason's body

Sipping slowly at the Whiskey Jasper had slowly started to become drunk "Happy birthday to me..." He starts laughing while thinking of Jason

"Are you ok?" Raven said appearing and hugging him from behind, She didn't question the alcohol in his hand

"Why wouldn't I be?" He asks in confusion "I never liked Jason anyway..." He says pouring another glass

"Don't lie" She said pressing his head on her starting to grow breasts "I-I know..."

"I said I'm fine... Didn't I?" He said shrugging her off and downing the drink

"Stop drinking," She said taking the whiskey away from a starting to get angry Jasper

"Rave... Give it back" He says his eyes transforming into the Kakugan and standing up

Raven doesn't back down and slams the bottle to the floor "Stop acting like an idiot! And stop hiding your feelings-"


Jasper slaps her with an angry face, Then reverting his eyes to normal he widens his eyes "Rave sorry I-"


Before he can get the words out he goes flying back, crashing into the wall "How dare you asshole!" Raven's demon comes out and she flashes toward Jasper throwing him across the room again

Flipping over with a pissed off look Jasper's eyes revert to the Kakugan and he lifts up his hand "Fine... let's play" He says and cracks his finger letting his kagune pop-out. "Fuck!" He yelled holding his broken finger, he wasn't Kaneki, and could still the pain, all in all not as badass as he expected...

Only 2 tails right now but it was still enough to Fight the demoness

Raven flies forward toward Jasper clashing with his kagune "I already said I'm sorry didn't I?" He said slightly smiling

"Yeah, But this will help us relieve stress" Raven's demon disappears for a second when she talks and comes back to fight Jasper

Shocked at her answer Jasper jumps back, "Hahahahaha" He laughs and wipes a tear off his cheek "I... really couldn't ask for a better friend..." He says as Raven slams him into the ground continuously beating him down

He regenerated almost instantly while just smiling as Raven beat the crap out of him, While this happened he smiled and remembered Jason


"I don't like fact I hate you," Jason said to Jasper after training one day

"Well... am I supposed to care?" Jasper retorted pulling on a T-Shirt "I hate you too"

"Good... then let's fight, None of that no killing Bullshit, Whoever wins, gets to live and the loser dies, Agreed?" He said with a smug smile thinking Jasper would never go through with this


Jasper hits Jason knocking him back "Ok let's go," He says and rushes forward

Jason flips up and blocks the next attack cutting his arm with a Batarang "Damn it! I was just kidding man!"He yelled angrily and jumped forward at Jasper with the Batarang in his hand

Dodging Jasper slams Jason down with his fist " Your weak" He says and jumps back from Jason's attack, Then coming back and stomping on his head "Pathetically so..."

30 minutes go by with Jasper just beating the crap out of Jason, when finally Jason fell down unable to continue

"You done?" Jasper says not even breaking a sweat "Then I guess it's time to kill you..." Jasper walks close to Jason and grabs him by the throat, Then pulling out his knife he looks Jason in the eyes

Upon seeing Jason's eyes he smiles "Even though you stand no chance against me... that doesn't mean your weak, get the hell up and fight again, and again, until you can't anymore" He says and Tosses Jason away from him putting back his knife(I guess... he's not all bad) Jason thinks to himself before Jasper goes to take a shower


After reminiscing he grabs Raven's hands and flips her over pinning her down "I think that's enough, don't you?"

Raven's demon goes away but she tries to struggle out of his grip "Let... go" She says through heavy breathing

"Why should I?" He asked letting his face get closer "Do you mean you don't like being pinned down by me Rave~?" He says teasingly next to his ear

Raven starts squirming under him "L-Let... go" She says growing hotter and breathing heavily

Jasper looks down at her and smiles letting her go "Fine... fun sucker" He says and walks off


3 Weeks later, Everyone is over Jason's death, It was a terrible tragedy but just sitting around won't get anyone anywhere

"When can I go and be a hero... you know like you trained me to be?" Jasper asked Bruce after sparring with Tim Drake

"You aren't ready" Bruce replied and turns around walking away shaking his head

(Bull shit!) Jasper looks at Bruce's retreating figure and thinks to himself, Then clenching his fist he runs forward intent on attacking Bruce

Bruce dodges and Grabs Jaspers face slamming him into the ground


Jasper releases his Kagune right before hitting the ground and stops himself, Then twisting out of Bruce's grip he slams Bruce into the floor

"Not ready my ass... You just don't trust me" Jasper says kicking Bruce away "I saw all your plans... to take me out, and also those random super-powered people across the world..." Jasper says and walks away, taking the suit that was made for him "I'll be back later..."


Standing there in a white Blazer on top of a rooftop, along with wearing a mask that covered his normal eye, Jasper smiles down on Gotham

"He'll be pissed off you know?" Raven says behind him still a little flustered about the earlier events

Jasper looks back at her and zips up the teeth of the mask "I'm counting on it" He says and jumps down off the building


Slamming down on one of the larger men Jasper flips away toward the wall and comes back with 2x the speed of a normal human

Hearing the satisfying crunch of the man's arm bones Jasper reverts his eye to the Kakugan and looks to the frightened goons standing there with the body unconscious below him "What are you waiting for?... You're next" He says and jumps forward

Title: Ghoul

(A/N: This chapter probably sucks... I really ) don't feel like going back and correcting any mistakes so sorry