Reunion(Not really)

Batman pulls the batmobile into the bat cave just as Alfred calls him

"Yes, Alfred?"

"Sir... you are going to want to see this... it's about master Eaton" Alfred says pausing a few times

Bruce widens his eyes, He hasn't heard a word about Jasper since he made Raven join that teen titans group led by Dick, So hearing Jaspers name 2 years later made him surprised

"I'm coming in now," He said and hung up while walking toward where Alfred was sitting

Looking over at the bat computer Bruce freezes "What the hell..." He mutters seeing Jasper tied up

He looked the same as he did 2 years ago, And Joker was currently cutting off various limbs to make him scream in pain

Bruce and Alfred watch through all of the videos until they see the last one

This one had Joker shooting Jasper in the head killing him just like He had killed Jason before

"Alfred... Never let Selina see these videos" Bruce said sternly

When Raven had come back that night 2 years ago and told them that Jasper had died, Selina had gone Ballistic

Selina had blamed Raven and even cursed her before leaving and never coming back

Before Raven could try and return to crime Bruce made sure she was a hero, So he made Dick Grayson make a group called the Teen Titans, and threw Raven to connect with them

He had hoped this would be the final time he had to do something like this, But with Jasper's videos of 2 years of torture, if one of them saw this they would kill every villain in the city, something Bruce just couldn't allow

"But sir-" Alfred tried to say, He knew that Selina cared for Jasper greatly, and even though he was now definitely dead, she still deserved to see these videos

"No Alfred!" Bruce yelled sternly then going to the computer he deleted the videos

Then turning away from Alfred he walks away up the stairs to think about things...


The Gotham City Sirens... this was a club that Catwoman, Harley Quinn, and Poison Ivy made together

It was a kind of club for villains to hang out at, without having to worry about Batman or his sidekicks

Not to mention the newly formed Justice league which consisted of Batman and a few other heroes from different cities

"Hey cat... let's go back to my house, I'll show you a hell of a time" Penguin said trying to cop a feel of Selina


Selina popped her whip and hit his hand, causing him to scream in outrage

Before he could pull his umbrella however he heard a cold voice

"Stop being such a B*tch" A man a few seats away from them said, while simultaneously downing a drink then without even glancing over at them he got up to leave

When he passed Selina she thought he looked familiar with his snow-white hair, But he was too old, and Jasper had died 2 years ago, there was no reason to get her hopes up

"Hey!" Penguin said stopping the man "You think you can talk to me like that huh?" He said and some of his goons got up expecting a fight "I'm a cobble pot! I could have all your belongings time in an instant small fry!" Penguin continued to yell

"Oh?" The white-haired man said and looked back, His black eye and blue eye corresponding with each other and giving him a mysterious kind of vibe

19 people in long black coats jump up and stand next to him and stare at Penguin with distaste

"Do you think a Cobblepot... Can take down a king?" Jasper(If you didn't already guess yet) Said confidently with a small smirk on his face, While simultaneously bringing up his hand and cracking his fingers

Penguin scoffed and started laughing "You!? a king... that's the best thing I've heard all night!" He yelled still laughing while his goons also laughed

One of the people beside Jasper walked forward and slammed their foot against Penguins face, causing him to fly back

"Listen up!" Jasper yelled before everyone could get up and start "If you move... you'll die" He said coldly transforming into his half-demon state


"Oh yeah, sugar?" Harley Quinn said pointing a gun at the back of his head "Try it"

Jasper widened his eyes hearing Harley's voice, She never showed up with Joker when doing his torture sessions, so he was confused as to why she would be here

"Aww, so it's joker little whore who runs this place huh?" He said smirking

"What!? I'm no one's whore!" She yelled and shot the gun into his head

Jasper bends down when getting shot then looked back with a smile "Is that all?" He asks innocently

Harley starts getting angry but before she can do anything else Selina comes over and grabs her hand "he's leaving already, just leave it at that" She said quietly and looked over at Jasper

"King! We should go now" Sarah one of the ghouls says to Jasper suddenly

Nodding Jasper walks out, along with the rest (Maybe I should visit Rachel first...)


it took 2 weeks for Jasper to find Raven, Turns out she is in a hero group called teen titans

This was annoying to travel, but he thought that for Raven he might do anything

Right now he looked through the titan tower windows and saw A green boy Before Jasper goes to come inside and reunite with Raven This boy kissed her...

(In Raven's Point of View)

"Cyborg stop being annoying!" I yelled and slammed him against the floor, then walking away I sigh

Bruce said these guys would be good friends, He was right, they are good friends but they're nothing compared to Jasper

Smiling thinking about him I turn around and Run into Beast boy, This wouldn't have been a problem If he had been paying attention

Because when I turned around he looked away from his game for a second and our lips ran in together

Before I could kill him for daring to kiss me all the glass in the tower shatters(Magic?) I thought sensing a fluctuation similar to my own

I look outside and see someone with white hair, Seeing the white hair I immediately think of Jasper and start to yell, but then this person disappears

"You guys all right?" Dick runs in and checks on us as I sigh, of course, Jasper isn't there, he's... dead

But then just wheb I thought it couldn't get worse the front door alarm sounded out making everyone tense up since we weren't expecting anyone

Looking into the cams we saw a suspicious individual standing there seemingly waiting for us... I wish I never went out there...