Rage Chapter(Ch. 13)

Not canon...

Jasper looked at jokers whore with Rage in his eyes, He didn't know when it started, maybe when he was being tortured by Joker and got his limbs cut off many times, But He was tired of all the bullshit

With this in mind, he released his Kagune and ripped her head off, then grabbed her body and devoured it before anyone else could blink

"Harley!" Selina yelled enraged that her friend had just been killed, But before she could attack Jasper knocked her out, there would be time for her later

Lots of people at the bar had stood up and rushed at him, But Jasper wasn't a little bitch!

He had grown up in America, where you can do drugs and teachers won't care, Hell he had even shot up the school a few times

So seeing these plebians dare to raise their heads against him filled him with rage as he tore them to pieces Devouring their bodies for his own nutrients and kicking away the ghouls who had tried to eat his meal

Then after everyone was dead he turned to the now awake Selina and grabbed her forcefully "You're mine!" He yelled and had the ghouls stand guard as he brought her to the backroom

"Selina!" Pamela yelled ready to attack before she was knocked out also

"You can maybe be my concubine if you behave," Jasper said with his half-demon form out

Then forcing a struggling Selina on the bed he ripped her leather costume off

"Stop!" She yelled with tears in her eyes

"Never you being to me!" Jasper yelled and took off his clothes and immediately, without any foreplay shoved his cock in her

He had been horny from that night with Raven and being teased for 2 years remembering how he nearly lost his virginity filled him with more rage

"Ahh!~" Selina moaned as Jasper spread her wide without any mercy and cummed deep in her womb marking her for his own

Then fully transforming into a demon Jasper Looks to the south and flies off in the direction of Raven


Beast boy accidentally ran into Raven, But before she could hit him away he had exploded

His blood everywhere Raven was shocked to see a demon standing in front of her

"Azarath-" She tried to say before the demon grabbed her throat and brought her up forcefully kissing her

"Mhm!?" She questioned before closing her eyes, something about this person seemed familiar

"Raven!" Dick Grayson ran in the room and threw a Batarang, His head exploded in the next second, courtesy of the demon

The tower was then compressed as The demon continued to fondle and use Raven's body as his plaything

Finally, several years later Jasper had conquered several timelines and almost all the earth,

He continued to take every woman that caught his eye in each universe

"Mongrel," Jasper said to 3 different Darkseid's who were shivering in fear "Bring me more women

And that was how the king of the universe was born