I guess I'm their king...

"I love you!" Rize said as soon as he opened his eyes, she had been doing this for the last week, any chance she gets she would tell it out

Whether it be in the middle of the street, when they were alone, or even when they were in Anteiku and he was working, she would tell it out to keep other girls away from him

After her passionate kiss, she lay down on his chest like a docile kitten, Seeing this Jasper just smiled and strikes her hair as they lay down in silence

"Hey," Jasper says after a while "If I changed my look a little would you still love me?" he asks slightly teasing at the end

Instead of teasing back, she gets a serious expression "Yes always I don't care even if you were some warty troll... but I like your appearance how you are"

Jasper just smiles and they got up for the day, as Rize is showering he brings out something he had bought from the store the other day "I'll do this soon..."

"Do what~" Rize opens the curtain exposing her body and biting her lip seductively "you know... we should have water... water bills are hell to pay~" Rize looks at the bathroom counter and sees what he bought and smiled "It'll look good... now get in her-" she didn't need to finish as his clothes disappeared and he locked her in a passionate kiss...the curtain still open and water falling to the floor

Later Rize left as Jasper sat on the couch watching some Tv, He didn't have work today and decided to relax

He hadn't used the thing on his counter but Rize said he would look "Hot as Hell", So this gave him the incentive to use it soon, but he started his relaxing day before anything else (A/N: yah fucking right who does he think he is? a side character?)


Jasper walked down the street in a hoodie, he had felt compelled to walk out into the rain for some reason

"Move out of the way kid!" He heard shouting from the other side and sees Hinami on the ground looking distressed

"Hey kid you're blocking the way," he said knocking on her forehead, She looks up at him with a shocked expression

"Jasper! my mom! she needs help, hurry!" She says hastily and grabs his sleeve starting to lead him away to an alley

"T-That's My husbands!" Ryoko yelled out seeing the quinque in Mado's hand

"Mo-" Hinami starts to say before Jasper clamps a hand on her mouth and jumps out of sight 'Why is trouble always where I am' Jasper couldn't help but think as he watched the fight with Mado

He let go of Hinami and stepped forward, ut before he could say anything Ryoko yelled out, "Jasper! Please get Her out of here!"

Mado looked over and saw Jasper and Hinami, "Oh?, this must be your daughter and some no-name ghoul...cool mask by the way," He said, Jasper, had out his mask on in lightspeed before Mado had turned

"Please!, just leave me! get her out of here?" Ryoko yelled then lunged at Mado

Jasper knew that he could save her... but what would the damages be?, he didn't want to risk it and bowed his head "Sorry..."

He grabbed Hinami before jumping 20 feet In the air "Yah fucking right" A large spear made of shadows slammed down next to mado hitting him out if the way as Jasper started running in the rooftops 'Better get out of there Ryoko'

Unfortunately, as fate would have it Mado had blocked the first with the Quinque slashing the head off of Ryoko's shoulders and breathing heavily, he was still an old man, and even though it didn't hit him directly the shockwave knocked him into a wall


"Where is she!" Touka yelled grabbing Jaspers collar and screaming, It seems that in the end, She had still died

Jasper didn't want to get too involved with these ghouls, But he also hadn't wanted her to die "Isn't it obvious...she's dead..." He said stoically

Touka let him go and sighed sadly "What about Hinami?...they didn't see her face did they?" She asked and plopped down seeing everyone silent

"This isn't fair... there's no way she would survive on her own like this!" She suddenly jumps up again with an angry expression "Why not kill the doves and be done with it!"

"Peace and war contradict each other... If you kill they kill back, it leads into an ever ending cycle of killing" Jasper says sipping some coffee "But that's just bullshit from my carry on"

Touka's eyebrow twitched seeing him joking at a time like this "You bastard stop playing around! don't you call yourself a king! then do something!" She redirected her anger and frustration at Jasper

" *Sigh*... uneasy lies the head that wears a crown... I thought this was just some random saying but now I get it..." Jasper sets down his coffee and abruptly disappears into the shadow ignoring touka

When he gets home he sees Rize looking at something but once she motives him she quickly puts it in her pocket and smiled "Hey!"

She comes and kisses him before running her hands through his hair, "Hey...so I was thinking of our wedding..." She started before stopping seeing his annoyed expression "What's wrong?"

Jasper sighs and picks her up heading to the couch "Touka was being annoying... but she had a point" He then laid his head in her breast feeling the warmth

"What did she say?" Rize asks and he explains the situation "Hmm...well you are their king right?... maybe she is right"

Jasper smiles before getting her off "Yeah... I guess I'm their king..." He says and goes to the bathroom using the thing on the counter


Touka is beaten up and laid back against the wall of an abandoned railroad, Hinami is there also crying

Amon Stands there shocked that Mado went flying "I don't care about that!... I don't care about revenge!" Hinami starts crying harder and Amon couldn't attack her any longer

"I'm just sad...that's all, I miss them more and more every day" She retracts her kagune as she speaks "It won't stop hurting... Momma!, Papa!" She sobs as Amon and Touka watch her silently

"She's right!" Mado starts to stand up with a crazed look "She'll only get lonelier without them, so I'll send her to them, and once she's in hell I'll use her as my new Quinque!" He jumps up and appears in front of her ready to kill

But then everything freezes and no one can move 'What is this!' Mado thinks to himself as he's frozen in the air looking at the crying Hinami

"Now...why'd you have to ruin such a great moment," Jasper says walking out of the shadows with his make on, and his new hair...

It was Black and Purple with light blue mixed in and as Rize said, it looked pretty badass... He didn't want to just be Kaneki, so this was his way of being himself

" I'm not Kaneki... But I'm still their king" He ghouls out and stabs his kagune through Mado's heart "Tell those CCG fuckers...that the king has come out to play" He absorbed touka and Hinami into his shadows teleporting them away, then taking the Quinque from Hinami's parents he looked over at Amon "I'll lead then to peace... even if I have to kill you to do it" He mutters before disappearing also...

(A/N: When he walked out that's just the new cover lol, and also, Damn what was Rize hiding?, And also he's finally accepted his role as their king🥳...that's all lolz😋)