Another alien? How many of these guys are there?


Jasper blinked feeling Rize slap him, she was furious, how the hell could he go ahead and do hero work workout a mask!?

He had a family, Nathan and her, and supervillains could target them at any time, especially her, she had just gotten a job, what if they fired her? or worse, what if supervillains came for her?

Rize had taken the pill to live a normal life, a life where she didn't need to eat humans, a life where she could live peacefully and happily with her husband and child, and he goes and fucks it all up!?

"Sorry... It wasn't the brightest decision... I just... *Sigh*... when you mentioned the hero thing... I wanted to prove myself I guess" Jasper knew how she felt and knew she was more worried for all of their safety than she was angry, and he regretted going into that bank without a mask... why you may ask?

"The Hero Ghoul has been unmasked!, and he might be closer than yoy think?, yoy guys know the guy, yoy always see him, but never talk to him... that's Ghoul if anyone could find the exact location please call or email us at *****" A news reporter was going on in the backroom as Rize and Jasper argued.

Jasper saw Nathan peek over so he quickly hugged her "Hey... I don't want Nathan to see us fight... I'm sorry, let's continue later..." Jasper said and Rize relaxed as well returning the hug as Nathan smiled and came up as well.

"Mommy!, Daddy's on Tv!, are we famous now?" Nathan asked innocently standing there as both of them.

Jasper noticed Rize pull away from him and he showed a strained smile as he just backed off and turned around before walking out into the backyard.

Their house, which was actually a mansion that was hidden deep within the outskirts of Gotham, and also heavily guarded by several stun gun turrets made by Bruce for this purpose, was one that he'd been living in for 5 years, but right now it didn't feel like home...

Jasper walked through a black portal before appearing on the beach with a sigh as he pulled out a cigarette and got to smoking...


"Damn it... what now? doesn't this jeopardize him?" Wonder woman said as the justice league members looked at the newscast, which clearly showed in 4k Jaspers face as he twirled around and smashed the titan user's face in.

I mean come one?, they caught his ass in 4K? how come they have such good cameras for a bank with no guards?

"He'll be fine... he's strong, I'm not worried... what we should be worried about is Darkseid..." Batman changed the subject as he turned off the Tv and went to the threat that had come up recently, via superman coming back bloodied and bruised, telling them that there was a man out there who did this to him, and his master was even stronger...


"Why does shit always happen to me..." Jasper said seeing the 'Star' that was currently falling towards the beach, obviously not really a star.

Jasper jumped over and stopped it with his shadows, letting it land safely, giving him the chance to flick his half-smoked cigarette away, who knows maybe he'd quit since things like this always interrupted him.

Jasper combed his hair back as he looked around and then looked at the thing that had fallen, it was a space pod, one that he had into seen in the movies, who knew that this would simply drop down close to him?


The pod creaked as a door opened and a blonde-haired woman wearing clothes that looked suspiciously similar to Superman's outfit, except it wasn't the actual suit and just a shirt of it.

The woman looked at him and he just waved before she started talking in a language he didn't know.

Sighing Jasper pulled out his phone that Bruce had given for emergencies, he thought this should count, seeing as someone obviously related to Clark had fallen out of space... just how many of these guys were there?

"Hey we're busy right now, we need to check an unidentified object that has fallen in the atmosphere" Bruce answered the phone just as Jasper dodged a punch from the woman.

"Yeah in that object is attacking me right now... she's actually pretty good... could you hurry. wouldn't want to kill her haha" Jasper said as Kara lunged forward again.

His silence had been misinterpreted as a sign of enmity and she'd done the first thing she could think of, striking first.

The next punch hit his hand and smashed his phone causing hon to glare at the girl, "See I was going to be nice... but now I don't think I will..." Jasper said as shadows envelopes his form and he lunged forward grabbing her arm and biting into it, he didn't want to risk hitting her with his cost and hurting himself, he'd done so with Clark before, sure he'd heal fast, but that didn't mean he liked the pain...

"Sorry," He said as she looked at her arm in pain, he then kicked her in the chin making her flip into the air as he grabbed her and bit into her leg as well, a good perk of his teeth let him a bit through anything even a Kryptonians flesh when they were affected by the yellow sun.

As Kira tried to crawl away, scared this would be the end, she needed to protect her cousin, if she couldn't do this her mission would be failed.


All of a sudden superman landed in front of her as he looked down in shock, "Kara?" He asked and looked at her wounds as the rest of the Justice league looked at the nonchalant Jasper who had gone back to smoking.


Batman grabbed it before he could even get one puff and threw it into the ground "Those aren't good for you" He said in his deep voice as Jasper sighed, another wasted Cigarette... but hey, At least they found another Kryptonian... Go, Team!

(A/N: Things might seem random... they kind of are lol, but not really since this all lines up with my plans, sorry if it seems random right now lol)