
Jasper jumped forward and kicked Steppenwolf in the temple before twisting around and biting into his leg crushing the lines inside and quickly backing up letting the huge avatar arms smack Steppenwolf away.

"Good I'm glad you're still alive..." Mantis said before hopping in the air behind Jasper. Batman stopped him and threw him behind him and shot another bullet towards Jasper hitting him in the shoulder.

"Ahh!" Jasper yelled before shooting a condensed shadow bullet at braces leg. He wasn't entirely sure, but he was sure Bruce was just getting brainwashed, there was no way Bruce would get so delusional.

"You seem to have gotten even more formidable... but you are nothing compared to us..." Batman bowed and stepped behind the three immortal servants of Darkseid.

Jasper smiled helplessly and looked towards the sky. "Fuck... looks like... I'll have to try even harder..." As he said this the sky turned dark and he simultaneously teleported all the people in Gotham out of there.

Batman and the other 3 looked at him in shock as he flipped them off and a huge avatar over 300 feet tall came out of the large portal with two mismatched eyes of blue and red.

"Can't die until I ensure their safety... that's all that's keeping me going right now..." Jasper said as he coughed up blood and commanded the avatar to destroy them. He included Batman as well due to the fact he didn't have a way to erase the mind control unless he had enough power... which he currently didn't.

"Jasper?" A voice said behind him and he looked back to see a man in a broken red hood looking at him. Jasper's first instinct was to jump on him but he shook his head and looked toward the avatar fighting the 4 Servants of Darkseid.

"Jason... you wanna die with me?" Jasper asked as Jason walked and came up beside him with a smile taking off his Red Helmet. "Already died once... why not again?"

Jasper lowers his head as he breathed in, this would be his last stand against these villains. He'd forgotten about Darkseid at this time and was ready to take them out.

"Take Batman, I'll take the rest, he's the most annoying for me," Jasper said and took out one of his teeth. Surprisingly, it healed faster than the other injuries that were still going slowly and weren't fully healed.

"Kill him if necessary..." Jasper said handing the tooth and falling through a portal onto the giant avatar.

Jason smirked and looked at Batman who was trying to find a way to take down the avatar before grappling towards him and kicking him in the face.

"Oh how long I've waited for this..." Jason said ripping off his coat and grabbing the crowbar that he kept strapped to his back. Batman looked at Jason with no emotion as he lunged forward to fight the man known as Red Hood.

Jason smirked as he dodged to the right and slammed the crowbar into Batman's leg and kicked him in the chin, setting the pace for the bloody and brutal fight he was hoping for.

In truth, Jason knew that Joker was dead, he just didn't know who did it, that was his goal, to find out who did it and kill them instead. This was actually the reason he had gone after Jasper, to find out who had done the deed. This didn't matter to him anymore, now it was all about survival against these aliens invading earth.

"What's wrong with you?... The Batman I know wouldn't shoot your own adopted son..." Jason said twirling his pistol in his hand and shooting forward.

"That wasn't the real me" Batman replied getting into a fighting stance. Jason smirked, "Yeah, You're dead!" He yelled out and swung forward with his gun to add more damage to batman, only for it to be blocked and redirected into the ground and get kicked in the knee and punched in the face.

Batman took out a Batarang and shoved it into the woozy Jason and kicked him back once again this time causing him to hit the ground underneath him.

Jason spun on the ground kicking the approaching Batman and flipped up and kneeing him in the fave. "You taught me that move"

"You shouldn't have gotten so attached" Batman replies as Jason gritted his teeth. " This is getting me so mad... I can't even fight the real you... I need to settle for a fake brainwashed version... Honestly... It's so shit" Jason spun around delivering a spin kick to Batman's face and backflipped landing on his chest and ground and pounding him into the dirt.

"God damn it!, Just.wake.the.fuck.up!" Jason yelled in between blows to Batman's face. Batman was still the same Batman but just mislead so this didn't do much except make him angry. Batman reached his feet to Jason's neck and threw him off before using the momentum to twist in the air and smash down on his skull, knocking him out.

Just as he was about to kill him he looked to the side feeling something hit him and flew back after Mantis Steppenwolf and Amazing Grace all hit him with an unusual amount of force breaking his arm as they were sent sprawling into the dirt.

Mantis went unconscious as Jasper put shadow magic into his heart and killed him once again, hopefully for good this time. Amazing Grace was simply unconscious as Steppenwolf stood up coughing up blood.

"Don't you get it! Only a king can beat a King!" Jasper said in a deep raspy voice as both he and his avatar were connected. His form was bloody and bruised, with his right arm torn off and his leg brutally destroyed thoroughly but otherwise, he was still fine.

"Good Job Jasper!" Superman came smashing down into the surface and yelled with a bruised and bloody Kalibak in his hands. He threw him onto the pile of knocked-out villains as they both faced Steppenwolf with their respective eyes glinting the same dangerous warning toward him.

Earth was now safe-


The ground broke as Steppenwolf started to bow seeing his nephew there standing behind Jasper and Superman. Jasper breathed heavily before yelling and jumping forward with his arm stretched back. He had too much to fight for, even if he never got back with Rize, he needed to defeat this guy to ensure his son's future.

Jasper stopped and looked down at his remaining arm... that had just been torn off his body and the giant avatar disappeared in black particles. Darkseid smiled evilly and he grabbed the Demon/Ghoul and threw him up in the air blasting him with his Omega beams and sending him flying out of the atmosphere, completely defeated...

Now it was only Superman. The kids were tired and unable to fight due to injuries or fatigue, all around the world the Paredemons had been stopped by them and a few new heroes that made today their first and probably last day on the job.

"I'm Still Here..." Green Lantern said appearing with the Flash and a beaten-up Wonder woman looking at the large god-like being in front of them. "Bruce... and Jasper..." Superman looked down and gritted his teeth as the last of the Justice League stared down Darkseid...