Thunder Dragon (2)

The clawed terror beast ran extremely presumptuously.

He ran into countless water thorns along the way.

In front of him was a panicking elk!

The Elk ran with all its might, but it could not shake off the behemoth behind it!

The latter's huge tongue flicked wildly on both sides.

When they passed by Roger.

A large amount of saliva sprayed out, almost landing on his body!

"What a disgusting monster."

Roger, who had escaped the fate of the "gardening truck," couldn't help but frown. He was about to throw a mark of evil on it.

At this moment.

A sudden change occurred!

Just as the clawed terror beast was engrossed in playing with the Elk.

A small mountain beside him suddenly came to life!

And it was extremely fast!

The rumbling sound had not reached them yet.

Roger was horrified to see a bloody mouth emerging from the "Hill" and biting the four-meter-long Deinonychus into two!

In an instant.

The water ghost forest was shaking.