The second form

Even though he already knew the nature of the milestone system like the back of his hand.

However, these two titles still aroused Roger's strong desire to ridicule them.

"You don't really think I'll cross-dress just for that 1 point of charm, do you?"

it's even more outrageous that I accidentally misfired. I have so many flammable and explosive items on me. If I really wear them, wouldn't I die on the spot? "

In his opinion, these two titles were worthless.

Unless one day, he had fallen to the point where he needed to seduce a rich woman of the fire essence.

Otherwise, the increased recognition of the " fire madman " would be useless.

However, the problem was that fire elemental creatures were known for being weak.

A real strong man would only use brute force or a contract to subdue the fire essence directly, not by beating around the bush and relying on recognition.

This was the same as the recognition of the gray dwarves.