Shar's Silver scissors (1)

He stood at the edge of the sky nest and looked down.

The White clouds were all under his feet.

Only a vague outline of the earth was left.

"If we go higher, would we be able to see the entire planet of Mystra?"

Roger suddenly had an idea.

The next moment.

He bent down and gently touched the invisible vine, then picked up a transparent feather from the ground.


[ prompt: you have picked up the floating feather ]


[ floating feather: a strange feather from the heavenly Eagle, suitable for making floating items ]

[ restriction 1: can not be stored in the storage space ]

[ limitation 2: once the floating feather starts to float, it will continue to float upwards unless it is stopped by an external force. ]


"So, the invisible vine is to prevent the sky nest from floating on the ground?"

Roger's heart skipped a beat and he let go of her.

The bright feather floated up into the sky.