What! fast collision

In this world.

The "defense value" was a dynamic attribute.

It would constantly adjust according to the character's armor, related specialties, physical state, terrain, climate, and other factors.

However, [basic Defense] was different.

It referred to a character's fixed attributes when they were naked.

The basic defense of humanoid creatures was usually not very high.

Its main components were hair, skin, muscles, and special organs.

From the data panel.

The basic defense value was about half of the vitality.

For example, Roger.

In theory, the basic defense should be 6 points.

But he had [ endless life ].

Thus, it became 12 points.

On this basis.

If he wore the martial artist suit, his defense would fluctuate around 20 points.

If he was willing to pay the price of being cumbersome, he could also wear the iron armor series, and his defense would reach a very impressive 60 points.

It could be seen from this.