A weapon for actual combat (3)

"It's actually a hero template!"

Upon seeing this scene.

Roger was overjoyed.

One had to know.

The strength of Hero Mode was far above that of Lord mode.

The players in the game in his previous life had used [Hero Mode ].

Compared to normal, elite, Lord, and other templates ...

Not only did the hero Mode have stronger attributes, but more importantly, it could also grow.

All templates below hero had a limit to their strength.

Most people could only touch their own ceiling for a short time.

Then, it would start a long downward slide.

But starting from the hero Mode.

The height of the ceiling would be infinitely widened.

In theory.

There was no limit to the strength of characters above hero.

As long as one had enough luck and hard work.

You can become infinitely powerful!

Therefore ...

The hero Mode was the dividing line in a series of modes, and it was also a proof of qualification.