The ancient Red Dragon assassin

"I'm in!"

Even though it was still pitch-black in front of him.

However, Roger's primordial spirit was still trembling with excitement.

A strange feeling entered his consciousness.

At that moment.

The shedded skin of [martial monk Yufeng] seemed to have become one of his fingers.

As long as he wanted to.

He could control it with a single thought.

On the data bar.


[prompt: do you wish to activate 'external avatar (temporary )'?]


[remarks: 1 drop of 'divine oil' is required.]


[ divine oil of sarira Storage status: 2/2 ]


Roger immediately chose to deny it.

He had already understood the characteristics of this outer-body incarnation. It was similar to a mecha, and it would consume energy every time it was activated.

However, the mech consumed the highest-grade origin stone.

And the avatar consumed 'God oil'.

I wonder if I can refine this divine oil by myself ...

Roger thought to himself.