I love you (1)

Northwest of prison mountain.

Outside an outpost floating alone on the sea.

The Horde of harpies was like a swarm of locusts.

They were holding bows and arrows in their hands.


The arrow rain came like a tsunami.

The mud wall at the outermost perimeter of the outpost was instantly riddled with thousands of holes!

Under the suppression of such powerful firepower ...

The scouts stationed at the outpost could only lower their bodies to avoid the rain of arrows.

They didn't even have the chance to fight back!

The Griffin team that came to help was even more trapped in the dilemma of being besieged!

This mobility troop had the best equipment in the qushan camp.

The milky-white Divine Shield on the Knights and Griffins was the best proof of this.

It was a special blessing from the God of white horses!

However ...

In front of the Sea of Monsters.

They were struggling to even resist!


"Everyone, retreat!"