Declaration of duel and the gambler's route.3

After all, it wasn't easy to scam.

No matter what.

The appearance of "eye for an eye" further enhanced Roger's defensive and counterattack ability.

Compared to the pre-emptive strike at the beginning ...

His fighting style was becoming more and more balanced.

His entire person was becoming more and more invulnerable!


In addition to the above abilities.

Roger also found two useful things from cesia.

One of them was the " rune of sin " on her inner thigh.

This thing symbolized extreme evil.

It was a medium for many evil spells.

However, through the baptism of " advanced reversal, " the sin runes had a chance to become the nemesis of evil!

Roger had to keep this thing.

The other item, on the other hand, attracted Roger's attention with its extremely random and temporary demotion.


[ sealed gambler's wheel (special item/immortal/temporary downgrade-1) ]

[ rating: SSS+++ or D--(depends on your luck) ]