Two heavens of Fire and Ice


[ prompt: you have equipped 'fruit of the Dryad' ]


[ record: you have attacked the little Treant and killed 1 little Treant. ]


[your number of deep resurrections has increased by 1.]


He looked at the lines of wonderful prompts flashing in front of him.

At this moment, Roger, who was standing on a high spot and throwing 'durians', showed a knowing smile.

Under the durian's continuous offensive.

The little tree spirit below was exterminated.

Not long after.

The entire room had been cleared by him!

"Throwing objects are so useful!"

melee combat is indeed trash ...

Roger played with the fruit in his hand fondly.

It was not without its flaws:

Slow attack speed;

The throwing distance was also limited;

These were all quite obvious.

However, compared to the " a branch ", which not only had a limited number of uses but also had the risk of injury, the " durian " was an out-and-out divine weapon!