Heavenly God dueling ground

Roger was no stranger to the term "three gates.

Very quickly.

He recalled the relevant content of the book-

It was a ghost story book called the wandering diary.

The book talked about the author's adventures in many divine kingdoms in the dream world.

Generally speaking.

The diary of a Wanderer was considered to be a book of stories that leaned toward philosophy and fables.

The protagonist of the diary patrolled the kingdom of the gods with an extraordinary attitude.

To visit these countries, one had to go through a specific door.

The descriptions of these 'doors' in the book were very mysterious, but only two left a deep impression on Roger.

One of the doors led to the kingdom of kuinan.

It had the shape of a half-moon.

There was a pair of huge deer horns on the door.

Roger suspected that it was the " Stag's Gate.