The joy of suffering (3)

"But the day before the operation, he mysteriously disappeared."

we didn't find his body until half a month ago. Those cultists not only desecrated his body, but also claimed that he died because he was addicted to 'illusion' and 'black bamboo powder'. What. joke ...

"Uncle isn't that kind of person!"

Roger reacted quickly.

"Your uncle was the previous city Lord?"

Miya wiped her eyes.

"Yes, I am."

everyone in Lotus city knows that he is a good person, but it is of no use. Even the archmages can not resist the evil gods 'evil intentions, not to mention that uncle is just an old warrior ...

Roger sighed softly and patted her shoulder without saying anything else.

The ancient evil creature was still there.

Mystra would be shrouded in the shadows of all kinds of cultists.

The tragedy of Lotus city would repeat itself day after day.

The blood of ten thousand filth was only one of them.

The endless touch and the other evil beings.