The "whip of the Thunder God" and the "in and out"

Roger hesitated for a moment.

They still decided to retreat.

It wasn't that he didn't have the confidence to annihilate these people.

He just didn't want to take the risk of being caught up in a space storm and get entangled with them.

Thus, the little yellow machine coolly made half a circle.

He was prepared to take a detour.

When they were halfway around.

A series of small robots suddenly appeared in Roger's field of vision!

The robots were emerging from the depths of the factory.

They each took root at the nodes of the city ruins.

Upon seeing this scene.

The little yellow machine decisively made a 180-degree turn.

They had returned to the battlefield!

"What's a space storm?"

"There's still an hour left ..."

"There's no reason not to kill a passer-by!"

Roger gritted his teeth and started the fire.

On the data bar.


[ prompt: you have discovered an alarm robot (massive) ]


[ you have destroyed an alarm robot. ]