Upgraded physique: flesh explosion (4)

Its intelligence would also be raised to at least the level of an eight-year-old human.

Other than that.

The target of enlightenment may also have other human-like tendencies;

The target that had been enlightened many times had a considerable chance of obtaining a 'spiritual monster template'.

The enlightened target will maintain a high level of loyalty to you.


After his comprehension had been upgraded.

Roger was even more open-minded now.

At that moment.

He seemed to have a great understanding in his mind.

However, on second thought.

But it was empty.

It was unpredictable.

He casually glanced at the interface.


In addition to the authority and specialties, the path of promotion also brought about a lot of benefits.

It also provided him with 6 sets of general [ martial arts experience ]!

These martial arts insights could be used to create martial arts.

It could also be used to perfect the inherent martial arts.