Lord Voldemort


In the nest of the sludge monsters.

It was accompanied by a " eight-layered chain " that took many turns.

The sludge monsters finally stopped screaming.

Under the tyrannical corrosion of ah Bao's poison.

The huge sludge monster nest finally fell into eternal silence.

He slowly retracted his hands.

Roger looked at the data bar with satisfaction.


[prompt: you have killed 2140 soft sludge monsters, accumulating a total of 6110 soft sludge monsters. Your milestone-scream maker has broken a new record.]


[your refining speed has been slightly increased (unable to increase any further)(current increase:100%)」


[ you have completed the 33rd sin mark. You have obtained a new specialty:[ Earth City pioneer ]


[ pioneer of the underground city: you have unique skills in developing underground cities, caves, and nests. ]


[ you have the specialty 'silver and gold hand' detected. ]
