Villan's conspirators.4

he wants to jump into the Star orbits of 'masonnary' and 'tarodar' in one fell swoop!

he did this because he wanted to become ...

God of heaven!?

A crazy thought flashed through Roger's mind.

The next moment.

Villan's low laughter resounded in the air.

"You foolish fellows."

"I'm afraid you still don't understand what I'm trying to do?"

"I'm sorry, I'm not interested in explaining to a dying man."

all you need to know is that you have a great opportunity ... There's nothing else."

The voice fell.

Four figures appeared in the sky outside the evil shadow city.

The White Wolf swordsman!

Fairy tamer!

A vampire Duke!

And Lord Voldemort!

Roger couldn't help but glance at the data bar.


[ record: your disciple, Jean, was temporarily confused by Lord Voldemort's 'maze of ten thousand generations'. ]


"Qin is still too inexperienced."

Roger sighed in his heart.

This was actually his own problem.