He only persisted for 3 seconds

Roger thought to himself.

At this moment.

In the secret realm in front of him.

Suddenly, three figures were 'bounced' out in a sorry state!




They fell to the ground one after another.

It looked like he had a heavy fall.

Fortunately, the soil in frogclaw basin was soft.

These three people were obviously clear spring sect disciples with martial arts as well.

He could still bear this level of damage.


[ prompt: you have activated 'concealment'. .. ]


Roger stood beside the three disciples without a change in expression.

He was listening to their conversation.

They must have just been driven out of the secret realm.

His tone was rather dejected.

One of them, who was tall and thin, said, "

"Didn't you say that it's easy if you're lucky?"

at the very least, I can choose an ape or a Mandrill ...

why did I become a big-mouthed frog!?

The other two both shook their heads.