Let's go through the back door

Should we ...?

He made a throat-slitting gesture.

Roger shook his head.

"There's no need."

"Before you catch the person in question, any actions to vent your anger will only become your weakness."

Upon hearing this, Ripley immediately showed a respectful expression.

"What you said makes so much sense!"

"Should I try to get some information out of him?"

Roger shrugged his shoulders indifferently.

"As you wish."

"You're the invitee anyway."

"I'm just a little follower who came to see the world ..."

"Besides, I still have some things to do."

"In addition, we will leave wildfire city by tomorrow night at the latest."

Ripley was a little surprised.

"So we're not going to the secret realm?"

"Let's talk about it after I'm done with the matters at hand."

Roger blinked.

Ripley immediately walked away.

However, he didn't go far.

Instead, he kept a subtle distance from Roger.

If an accident were to happen here ...