

To Roger.

There was no need for [pickpocket ]'s attack special effect to be too strong.

Although this thing was quite disgusting when combined with [seizing by force ].

But his ultimate goal was not to disgust the enemy, was it?

However ...

If he could frequently trigger an additional attack.

That would be a huge profit.

In addition, the attack special effects could be activated and deactivated at will.

And Roger had to start a war with this group of shadow race people.

Therefore ...

It was only natural that he would be refreshed.

Hence, in the next second.

Roger no longer concealed his ferocious claws and fangs.

He directly gave a death order to the eight elves-

Beat him to death!

Under the effect of "elf (8) ".

The elves 'attack speed had been increased to 500% of their normal state!

It was time.

Roger was the center.

The power of the elements erupted like a volcano.