Headless Highland _3

About 10 minutes later.

As the abyssal chasm wreaked havoc.

More and more figures began to appear.

The people from the four camps took turns to observe the situation of the abyssal tentacles.

Whispers rose and fell.

The atmosphere was tense and restrained.

After a while.

Someone suggested, "

"There's nothing wrong with abandoning your prejudices and attacking the abyss first, right?"

The voice was silent for a while.

On the surface, no one agreed with his idea.

However, in the dark.

The ascendants sent by the four factions to deal with the abyssal invasion had already begun to attack the tentacles that came out of the abyssal Rift!

For a moment.

The operation to clear the abyssal tentacles underground was in full swing.

Under such circumstances.

Even if the deity race and the star Sky god race had met.

They would also pretend not to see each other and walk past each other.

In this sense.