Blade storm _1


In the air.

A twisted black mist appeared around abulo's eye.

In the center of the black mist.

A strange pattern similar to the mark on little Yura's thigh appeared.

If they were closer ...

He could also hear the wails of ghosts and howls of wolves coming from the black mist.

It was the cry of thousands of resentful souls.

Abulo's eye was currently in an unstable state.

In reality.

From the moment young Yura's brain had been cut off by Roger's "finger of wisdom ".

The abyssal divine weapon emitted a rather intense energy fluctuation!

From his perception.

Its power aura fluctuated.

At times, it was as intense as a landslide.

At times, it was like the ebbing tide.

Little Yura died on the spot because she couldn't withstand the spell's backlash.

Abulo's eye wasn't having a good time either!

It was because the spells cast by little Yura had the effect of a forbidden spell.

It was also the main medium for casting spells.