The disciples of the pingsha sect

A [ time mage recruitment order ] and a [ five elements Dao soldier search order ] were issued.

The sovereign had personally issued a warrant.

It naturally attracted the attention of the entire sect.

For a moment.

The entire clear spring Mountain was talking about Roger's two newbie orders!

As a result, the topic spread.

A huge force was being mobilized.

That evening.

Someone had found a group of five-element spiritual monsters in the West of the frog claw basin!

Very quickly.

A steady stream of information was sent to the sacred Tiger Pavilion.

In a short three days.

The ownership of the five elements spiritual monsters was not only gathered.

There's actually some surplus!

This made Luo Jie feel that his efforts for the sect had not been in vain.

Now that the clear spring sect had gradually grown into a giant, it had begun to provide him with great convenience.

Now, Roger ...

As long as he gave the order.