A fencing invitation sent to you


On a platform covered in moss.

A fearless little Treant jumped down from the vines above.

Its eyes were glowing red.

His target was Roger, who was ambushing from left and right on the platform!


The vines swayed slightly.

The little tree spirit landed on the ground-

However, before its body could touch the platform ...

A cold blade light pierced through its fragile body!


It was cut in two!

After killing the little tree spirit ...

Roger didn't hesitate.

Under the enhancement of the " battle horn ".

His movement speed was far faster than the second-rank demons.

It was even more impossible for the little tree spirit to touch the corner of his clothes.

Under such circumstances.

The data-farming with the return to zero blade became a quick and ruthless killing!

In less than three minutes.

More than 90 little tree spirits in this room had been killed by his blade!

At this point.