Advanced magician _1


He was an advanced wizard who had once been glorious in the history of Mystra.

Biggie's strength could not be underestimated.

Roger's communication with the other party was completely built on Bigley's space-time spell.

Considering that the magic fist fortress was the most distant historical world from the present world.

The conversation lasted for nearly six minutes without any signs of 'signal interruption'.

From this, it could be seen how brilliant Bigley's spells were.

At least, he was completely different from Roger's previous impression of an unorthodox mage who was crazy enough to go undercover in a martial arts sect in order to learn martial arts.

This made Roger secretly admire him.

He had the authority of a Star Lord.

However, maintaining such a conversation would consume a lot of the power of authority.

Compared to biggie's relaxed state ...

He seemed to be slightly inferior.

Hence, under the influence of curiosity ...