5.4 million Immortals come to court _1


90 years in exchange for three undying monuments.

Roger didn't think it was a problem.

However, the premise of all this was that the world was peaceful.

Otherwise, even if he wanted to live a simple life, others would not allow it.

"I wonder if this mission can be completed with a clone?"

or in a plane where time flows faster ...

If the above two ideas could be proven to be feasible ...

Then Roger's path to undying would be even smoother.

It was about the immortal monument.

In fact, he still had the " seven kill River " from the slaughter mask.

He would wait for the right time.

He could completely digest and devour it, turning it into his own monument.

As a result.

He only had two openings to the undying monument.

maybe it won't take 90 years ...

"Of course, we can also distribute the extra monuments to other levels."


He ended his brief thought.

Roger's attention returned to iloz's body.