Beyal-No. 2 _1


Following that deep voice ...

Above the starry sky.

A Blue Moon rose from behind the planet terodar.

It was different from the gentleness of normal moonlight.

The Blue Moon's light was as sharp as a blade.

When the light shone on his skin, it would cause an itchy and tingling sensation.

In the middle of the Blue Moon.

A huge eye slowly opened.

There seemed to be a River of blood flowing in his pupils.

It gave off a sinister and terrifying feeling.

Roger noticed.

From the moment the Blue Moon appeared.

The powerful force field of fear controlled the nearby starry sky.

Not to mention the surrounding space.

Even the double stars had a slight emotional disturbance-

The residents of the Twin Stars were having nightmares because of the blue-blooded King's influence!


[ warning: the blue-blooded King has used the authority of fear ... ]


As expected of the forefather of the abyssal creatures.