Chapter 56, hunting, a tiger pouncing on its prey

“Everyone, look, the South China tiger is hunting!”

Ning fei half-squatted on a tree branch, looking at the South China tiger lurking in the grass on the ground, and explained to the audience.

The drone flew beside him, and the live broadcast was the scene of the South China tiger.

“A tiger’s hunting usually finds cover and slowly sneaks in. When the prey is within attack range, it suddenly jumps up and attacks the back of the prey

“A tiger will bite off the spine of its prey. This is the most typical attack method of a large cat.”

Ning Fei explained in a soft voice. Although his voice was not loud, his words were clear and it sounded very comfortable.

This scene was much more exciting than watching a tiger or a lion hunt on the television program “Man and nature.”.

The difference between the two was like watching a live broadcast of a competition or watching a rebroadcast of a competition. The feeling was completely different.