Chapter 127, encounter! The Wolf Pack of the forest!

Ning Fei’s livestream room was unprecedentedly hot.

Because he had gone deep into the mountains, the bird-fighting platform had once again opened a column for him.

Now, Ning Fei was practically the number one person on the bird-fighting platform in the entire time slot.

Only when it was 7-11 pm, when the game zone’s streamers started to exert their strength, would ning Fei’s popularity drop to second or third place.

Hu Ya, Penguin, and other live broadcast platform managers had contacted Ning Fei many times, hoping that he could change jobs and was willing to pay a large penalty for breach of contract, but they were all rejected by Ning Fei.

However, when they knew that Ning Fei and Dou Niao had only signed a contract for a year, they kept offering all kinds of tempting conditions.

This matter was still under discussion.